RPG Classes and Skills

3. Skills

It is skills that determine your characters ability to perform and interact and will often influence the way you go about your business. Typing SKILLS gives a list of your skills and your level of proficiency in each. On the right are the ranks which you may hold in each skill.

Skill Ranks:
1. Beginner.7. Renowned.
2. Poor.8. Master.
3. Apprentice.9. Grand-Master.
4. Practitioner.10. Legendary.
5. Competent.11. Ultimate.
6. Respected.

As your skill level improves so your actions become more effective as you gain more abilities. Each Newborn starts with five skills, another five are added when they join the Academy or Institute in their home city. HELP ACADEMY contains directions to these houses of learning as well as other information. Once gained, these 10 basic skills can be advanced to high levels of proficiency by learning them from skilled teachers or by teaching less capable characters than your own. Many of these initial skills are of vital importance to the development of a well balanced character.

Upon joining the Academy of your city - you will find yourself inundated with new sets of skills - these are the basis of your character's wellbeing and development.

FisticuffsUsed during combat to determine how effective you are at hand to hand fighting.
DefenceUsed during combat of any kind to determine your ability to dodge, or parry blows.
PerceptionThis deals with a number of things, basically your ability to see things around you which happen either very quickly, or are hidden.
ScholarshipThe skill of general knowledge, protecting against the Bardic Voice and granting an assortment of useful abilities.
ConstitutionThis is your ability to defend against magical attack.
SwordplayUsed during combat to determine how effective you are at melee combat using a weapon.
RidingThis deals with your ability to lead and ride animals, to spur animals in battle, and your ability to master a dumb animal in day-to-day situations.
SurvivalThis is a general ability, dealing with your ability at various outdoor or physical pursuits.
ItemloreThis deals with your ability to assess items of their inherent worth, weight and assorted properties.
SeafaringAn ancient skill lost to mortals during the turmoil of the divine war. Many are the tales told of riches and mysteries that lie beyond the oceans, but until some brave adventurer uncovers the ancient knowledge the gods choose to deprive mortals of this skill.

Detailed help on your skills can be gained by SKILLS <Skillname>. For more general information see HELP SKILLS. Specialist skills are gained by joining a Guild. All Guilds offer a number of extra skills and provide teachers in those skills. To learn a skill from someone type LEARN <skillname> FROM <character>. This also works for computer charaters.

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