When you type SCORE, you are told of your character name and highest level attainment. Avalon has a complex system of experience levels, one of the main factors determining your character's maximum health and mana and hundreds of ability-function strengths and weaknesses (see HELP LEVELS for a list). What follows in SCORE, however, is your actual level, your level in real terms represented as a percentage of the experience required for the next one. This gives you a better idea of where you stand should you have suffered a mishap in your adventuring. Your level is only a rough indication of your experience and physical might combined, and it will take progressively longer to move to the next. When you are slain, you will doubtless lose some of the experiences you have gained, and if you drop down experience level, your health and mana potentials will fall.
As you gain in level, it will become more and more difficult to gain experience from routine quests or exploration. To aid those who have died, however, quest and exploration performance is judged upon your present level, rather than your highest level thereby allowing you to regain lost experience at a faster rate. Listed after details of your experience level and actual level are various items of information, amongst which are your citizenship, your profession and guild, your financial status (represented by your wealth in gold pieces), and your tax situation, all of which are discussed in more detail in later areas of the help system.
You may also wish to look at STATUS and SKILLS since together with SCORE, these provide you with a core overview of your character's current status, condition and attainments. An all-encompassing command that will show your score, skills, status and defences is SHEET.