The Vice Regent is a temporary position appointed by the Prince or Princess of a conquering city. It is an extremely important rank and represents one of the supreme trusts a leader can place on a fellow noble, since the appointment creates (albeit short-term) the absolute ruler of conquered territory - typically an enemy city - where the Vice Regent has complete authority and autocracy for the three Avalon years they can hold the position. See HELP CONQUEST for comprehensive details of the surrender, armistice, regency and long-term denouement.
Citizens of a city in a regency period will, at any time, be able to express their support or rejection of the current Vice Regent. Type VICEROY SUPPORT to show support or VICEROY REJECT to secretly log your rejection. Nobody can view an individual's vote. Citizens can do this once per Avalon day, thereby allowing an individual to change his/her opinion - and ensure the current tally of support and rejection is an accurate reflection of the Vice Regent's popularity. There is a practical purpose to the tally, since if a Vice Regent has a majority of support declarations he/she will be able to extend the regency period for two further years when it comes to an end (see HELP CONQUEST); thus enabling a popular Vice Regent to 'prove' competence in preparation for the eventual cecession of the regency and resumption of conquered city's free status.
NOTE: only citizens active at the time of the regency period's commencement, or at the time of its extension, are able to register their support/rejection of the Vice Regent and any citizen ousted involuntarily from the city automatically becomes logged as a permanent 'rejection' whenever opinion is tallied (e..g. when the Vice Regent tries to extend his/her period of rule, requiring majority of support).