There are numerous "civic services" available for towns and cities, to use or not to use depending on the choices of the State Ministry (or town/village leaders) and the wealth/resources available to the city's treasuries alongside the spare fieldworkers or trained legions capable of performing the duties of a service without the extra expense (since they are paid already). The current civic services available to the State Ministries are as follows:
"lamplighters" to ensure the city's steetlights are always lit when required, keeping the streets safer during the night-time - ensuring there is less likelihood of hidden potentially dangerous intruders.
"police" brings out a member of the city watch to be given a beat to police, patrolling between a start and end/returning point and keeping a close eye on each location passed through; engaging where appropriate.
"sentinel" stand guard at a specific location, not moving from that spot, but able to keep a vigilant eye across whole buildings or multiple locations (e..g. a whole north-south running street), notifying citizens of danger, alarming city-guards (if active) and keeping a log of suspicious activity.
"guard" activates the 'civil defence' for all homeland locations. This provides a fighting response against enemies of the city or those pointed out by citizens using CRY <intruder's name> to denote an unwanted incursion. The civil defence is fitted to the size of the enemy/intruder and the civil defenders / home guards used come mainly from the barracks: enlisted legionnaires yet to be assigned to a legion banner and without any legion/military training PLUS any permanent city/ministry guardsmen. Home guards used for civil defence will return to barracks or base location once the enemy/intruder is gone.
"locksmith" refers to the locksmith specialists: service personel used for maintaining the doors and locks across the home city/town. The locksmiths keep doors/locks maintained to a certain minimum standard and can save countless hours effort ensuring the homeland is secure. Locksmiths are directed by sentinels and policing city watchmen as they pass vulnerable locations.
Lists all services available to you, by dint of your home city, town or village and whether a service is active or disabled. Type SERVICES followed by a service and you will gain detailed help and step-by-step commands and usage guidance.
Gives you an overview of the entire state ministry and civil service resources and status including the extent of your civil defence and expenses.
Takes a rollcall of home guards in and out of barracks, tallying the numbers available for civil defence and giving you a breakdown of where they are being used and from which source (untrained legion, service personsel, permanent guard) they are derived. STATE DEFENDERS goes through all home guards and tells you where they can be found including barrack specifics.
The HELP STATE file documents commands for activating/disabling specific services and gathering info on expenses and activity relating to the service specialists and civil defence response. Those with authority over civic services may type STATE HELP to gain a further command syntax and usage helpfile for service management.