TEAMS to review the teams, team bases and team members.
TABLE to show you the latest individual league table.
ARENAISLE to move IN and OUT of the Battle Isle (arena).
JOIN BATTLESANDS to state you are going to be a competitor.
POINTS to show how many points won or lost for various events.
COMPETITORS to see a list of those actively competing in the event.
PARTICIPANTS to review the list of those participating (joined, if before; competing, if quest is underway).
Rules and event format documented in HELP RULES or when you type RULES. These are kept up to date.
Direct your questions to the experienced and, if need be, to the Gods - especially the presiding deity.
The BATTLESANDS format is suitable for all levels of player and is perhaps the singlemost effective way to improve your skills and invariably the most challenging of competitions short of ordination itself. Be there: these events can be epic.