Rangers are sturdy, physically tough, rural folk. They make their home often outside the large cities and live off the land. Rangers are skilled in the arts of herbalism and poisons - they know the forests and the wilderness well. They are trained in Forestry and Stealth, able to spring unnoticed from the forest to surprise and vanquish unruly intruders. They can eventually carve totems with powerful symbols and even take on the legendary form of the Bear. Rangers and Brigands also gain a smattering of Trapping to further extend influence outside of their typical environments (forests, wildlands, etc). They are excellent hunters - harkening back to the leadership of Maedhros Allendil, first Ranger and legendary Huntsman. Rangers are also fine fighters, they are competent archers and cunning adversaries.
The modern Rangers Guild was founded in the early seventh century at the centre of the Greenwood forest by Maedhros Allendil, then Lord Maedhros of the Grove. During their hey-day the guild was the vibrant hub of active resistance against the evil wildlands. Eventually Maedhros enjoyed accession to the ranks of the divine, and the guild fell back into a less busy, but nevertheless potent and active force. Traditionally Rangers have concerned themselves with the defence of the city of Mercinae and the civilised villages of the eastern Greenwood. They are the first line of defence against the goblins, the foul beasts of the Cult and from invasion by the cities of the north. Rangers are therefore grizzled, hardy folk. They offer protection to those travelling through the forests and have the skill to fight away even the most mighty of enemies.