Most Avalon characters have life-stories or biographies, and often these are posted for their friends to see or on forums outside of the land - but all too often, quality material is lost to the world and little remains known of great names of the past, heroes and villains whose actions once shook the land.
So we have the Avalon Player Memoirs in HELP 32 for the best biographies and the "lifestory" section - available to everyone in the realm. Two good examples of life-story memoirs are HELP SIRINA999 and HELP CALAGAN945.
There is a public list of known-by-all biographies which can be read through by typing LIFESTORIES.
Syntax: LIFESTORY <character name> or LIFESTORY on its own.
Type LIFESTORY followed by the name of the character whose biography you wish to read and - if it is available - it will be perused, e..g. LIFESTORY LLEU. Doing LIFESTORY on its own shows you your own life-story biography (including line number for each entry).
Syntax: LIFESTORY <descriptive text>.
You can add lines to your own lifestory biography at any time using the LIFESTORY command followed by the text you want recorded forever more. If you append the word PRIVATE at the start or end of the descriptive text, the entry will be private - for your eyes only.
Syntax: LIFESTORY TRIM <line number>.
You are able to trim out entries from your life-story using LIFESTORY TRIM followed by the line number as listed when you type LIFESTORY. This will remove the entry from your biography for all future readers.
Syntax: LIFESTORY <letter###>.
It is also possible to use in-Avalon letters (see HELP LETTERS) to add larger chunks of text to your life-story.
NOTE: it is possible to contribute longer narrative life-stories should you feel the creative urge and these are popular with future generations, enriching Avalon and all its players. Send a text-file attachment to to use this facility.
See also HELP 32 for the memoir help section or use the website to read memoirs in your browser.