InGames are fun. InGames are your friend. INGAME tickets are conversations and design evolutions of a particlar facet of the gamesystem. They can include mortals and Gods alike. They should be considered OOC and no punches pulld.
The letters ING are taken by Avalon to be short for INGAME: easier to type fast.
You can refer to the specific INGAME (or ING) tickets by their one word name or their unique number, e..g. INGAME TURDPITS or INGAME 69 to list the content and INGAME LINES TURDPITS to list it out by numbered line.
Syntax: ING <name> or INGAMES ALL <name> full checklist content
ING <name/number> <text> to add content to specified INGAME tick
ING <name/number> WHO to show everybody with access to the named/numbered INGAME ticket.
Quick INGx <name/number> <entry#> to checkbox a specific line entry
Edit: ING+ <name/number> <entry#> labels a line entry as ASAP priority
ING= <name/number> <entry#> defines entry as a note (not for checking)
ING! <name/number> <entry#> labels the entry as URGENT top priority
ING< <name/number> <entry#> puts the REMIND label on the entry#
ING0 <name/number> <entry#> resets a line to normal unchecked entry
ING> <name/number> <entry#> places a blank line before the <entry#>
ING- <name/number> <entry#> peramanently DELETE the specified entry
use of the same ING will cause a toggle e.g. ING+ twice takes off ASAP
Example: let's say you've been put into the group helping design / evolve part of warfare gamesystem, and the title of the endeavour is TURDPITS since it's all about getting rid of all the pits full of turds one might fall into, unfairly, losing legions unreasonable or having to endure boring bits of the system just to get to the better parts (or achieve your goal).
So you are a Field Marshall or general and you're included on the INGAMES WHO TURDPITS list. This gives you full access and edit privs.
You can use all the commands above starting ING so ING+ TURDPITS 1 would maske line entry #1 labelled urgent.
Typing ING LINES TURDPITS would list the whole content of this TURDPITS ticket line by line, all numbered, for easy editing where you need to refer to a line number to accurately edit.
Most important: use ING TURDPITS <text> to add this text directly to the TURDPITS ticket under your name and date stamped.
> subomni
Privs: INGAMES to show all the INGAME tickets and quick titles in numeric list
INGAMES YES/NO <name> <persona>/<email> defines list access
INGAMES CREATE <number> <name> <description> (if you have privs)
If you set something as ING= then it will highlight the line plus if checklist, make the line into a header without it being part of checklist checkbox.