This is a small point in the grand scheme of things and it concerns playing second or next persona (see HELP SECONDS). It concerns how much you reveal of your past experience; how much you should be 100% free to discard your other characters and disassociate.
We know how it is important sometimes to get a clean break. There are times when you may feel your current character is "messed up" and you want to restart, knowing what you have learned and doing the thing better, avoiding any mistakes, choosing a better city or profession or class of friends. Or perhaps you've just lately returned to Avalon and you don't want to be treated like a target; or maybe you left in a negative frame of mind and you don't want to reconnect with it. There's a million possible reasons. Whatever the specifics, the end result is you feel you need to move on and there's nothing so bad about doing so.
So you've made your next person or you second character. You've autopiloted through novicehood and gathered your bonuses. You're on the cusp of choosing your first guild and this time it's going to be done right. About now you will get noticed by your city (or guildmembers you've found and told you want to join). You will impress these more senior players by your quick understanding and quality of conversation. They will figure 'this novice is better than most, he/she has potential, worth taking seriously and giving my time over to train up' and they're probably correct. It likely matches your optimism too. This character is going to be perfect!
People will spend time guiding you when you're young. Real people with many things they could be doing. When they choose to spend the time with you it is an important choice; a positive and optimistic choice. Hours may be spent together in explanation and guidance and going through their badges and the thousands of things that should be known to help develop a character's unique potential.
Imagine this scenario: Senior Player X is guiding Young Player Z. Z is doing his badges. X spends three or four hours providing Z with a wonderful lesson in history and a stack of starter equipment, going over how to use it, all the basic commands, a bit of city history and current affairs... the usual package deal so appreciated by any youngster. X is positive that Z is enjoying the effort being put into making a good show of the guiding and X is trying very hard to make it interesting and content rich and personally relevant to what Z says is his future ambition.
But all the while Z is watching a movie on another window and not paying attention because Z is "roleplaying new" and knows everything X is teaching and putting effort into making interesting and involving. Z is successful in making X believe he is new. Z has no ill-will towards X but he wants to be new and he wants to have no connections with his past.
This is repeated across all the badges and by now X has given Z a hundred hours of shared time and effort and attention and care.
It is fair that Z does not wish anybody know connect up his prior characters. He wants to be free of them.
But is it fair to X?