Fellowships are groups of like-minded or allied players, banded together for some common aim or because of a long-term shared loyalty or creed. There are four default fellowships, one per great city, and all Avalonians initially join one of these four depending on their citizenship. Fellowships allow you to see how your fellows are doing, to be informed when they are attacked or keep updated with the latest information when collaborating e..g. in a group combat or a military exercise.
You do not have to be a member of a fellowship and it is easy to make yourself deaf to any fellowship-related alerts and info. Membership of the default city fellowships will not affect your freedom to join others and it is possible to be a member of many fellowships at the same time.
Fellowship rank is determined by your standing and in the case of the four city fellowships, your place in the city hierarchy. Leadership ranks allow control over the fellowships setup and membership. It is not mandatory to have a fellowship exclusively one city or one guild; indeed they exist to transcend such limitations. Fellowships can share logs, communicate privately, pass macros and aliases between members and much more. The fellowship is intended as a background to almost all Avalon play since there is no disadvantage to having a group of friends watching your back AND able to see when danger strikes, to react quickly - to rescue or leap to your aid, etc.
Syntax: FF LIST and FF INFO.
The LIST command shows a list of all public fellowships while typing FF INFO tells you all members of your fellowship including the current leader - typically the highest standing member awake and ready for action in the land.
Syntax: FF WHO and FF LEADERS.
Gives you a WHO list limited to only members of your fellowship or group. The FF LEADERS command shows you currently active fellowship members of standing sufficiently high to posses leadership rank.
Syntax: FF ALERTS.
Shows you all the alerts/events possible for the fellowship to either notice, ignore, make loud or render silent. This command lists the current settings.
This states your current role choice: FF INVOLVED (FF IN for short) makes it known to your fellows you intend to be an active protagonist in fellowship affairs including combat and facing danger and protecting one another. FF PASSIVE (FF OUT for short) reverses this involvement, telling your fellows you will be passive, non-protagonist and not available for frontline combat.
Needless to say, just because you state yourself passive it doesn't mean you have to stay out of combat. It merely says 'do not rely on me' and from your side, much of the alerts and text of fellowship conflict will be suppressed. NOTE: while FF PASSIVE says 'under no obligation' and you act as you please, FF INVOLVED is a genuine commitment to defend fellows, attack enemies, leap to the aid of those in need and face danger together in a 'you can count on me' way.
Makes yourself deaf or allows yourself to hear the fellowship alerts and shared messages about events e..g. when members lose health or get attacked.
Syntax: FF INFO and FF STAT
Gives you a full rundown of the fellowship's current status: members, their standing, whereabouts, health and mana and - depending how your fellowship has been defined - member xp level, fighterworth, constancy, reputation, profession, skill extent, citizenship, patron, etc. The FF STAT will include the fellowship's own annual reputation gain so far, previous year's reputation and stature, aggregate and historical prowess and summarises the fellowship's legend.
Syntax: FF NOTICE/IGNORE/LOUD/SILENT <alert/event name>.
Leaders only: sets the specified alert or event to the designated mode. LOUD means all will hear, NOTICE means all 'involved' will hear, IGNORE will mean alerts/event particularly ignored or gagged while SILENT is the default state and means no special interest, do not automatically give info.
Syntax: F <text> and FFF <text>.
The former speaks on the fellowship channel the FFF <text> command to the fellowship and associated groups channel.
Syntax: FF JOIN <fellowship>.
Here you request to join a specific fellowship and in doing so alert the leader(s) to your request. It will be accepted or rejected or, if no reply after a minute, terminated as ignored.
Syntax: FF ACCEPT/REJECT <fellowship> <person>.
Prospective members request to join using FF JOIN and you receive - if you have leadership privileges - notification. You must then either FF ACCEPT or FF REJECT the initiatel; or ignore the request completely to disdain the applicant entirely.
Syntax: FF EJECT <member>.
Strikes the specified member from the fellowship rolls removing all rights and privileges, marking the moment with the Avalon date and informing all other members of the fellowship.
Syntax: FF OPEN/CLOSE/PRIVATE/PUBLIC <fellowship>.
These commands set the state of the fellowship to either PRIVATE so it is not listed or shown before the public, PUBLIC to reverse that state; OPEN to open a fellowship for new members and CLOSE to allow no new membership requests.
Syntax: FF BECKON <text>
Sends a message to all members of the fellowship or group, with a beckoning theme and the text you include.
Syntax: FF ASSEMBLE [<member>] <text>
Commands the whole fellowship or a specified member to come to assembly at your location. The text you might include will accompany the call to assemble.
((FF FIND <who/what>
all active members of the fellowship wheresoever they may be in the land wil converge on the target specified))
Syntax: FF SEEK <member>.
Seeks out the fellowship member - often the leader - as quickly as you are able to zoom.
Syntax: FF TARGET <target>
Sets @ftarget for everybody in the fellowship.
Syntax: FF BASE HERE/NONE/LEADER/TARGET/<city>/<village>/<guild>
Sets the location at the heart of the fellowship's current activity, its base location.
(FF HUNT <target> sets the whole fellowship hunting down the specified target, initiating a chase from all member positions converging on the target with violent intent)