Following (or leading) other players is a useful tool, both for aiding your friends and for bringing your enemies into more dangerous territory (i..e.. regions prepared in your favour rather than theirs). Type FOLLOW <player> to start following the specified leader, and LOSE <player> to cease following or to cast the designated player from your entourage. Type GS (short for GROUPSTATUS) to review your current group: leader and those following, alongside health and mana levels for the leader and across any friendly group (i..e. when the leader is in friendly mode). There are occasions where you will be unwillingly followed - secretly perhaps, or by a foe you cannot shake off by LOSE <player> - and these are some of the most dangerous situations possible for if your enemy trails you to your innermost secret locations, he could run amok therein.
Two modes of demeanour impact your following/leading circumstances: friendly and hostile. To declare your demeanour, type FRIENDLY to engender the friendly mode, and HOSTILE to steel yourself to face groups in a hostile frame of mind. While FRIENDLY you will be open about your following (i..e. easy to spot in an entourage) and about your health and mana. While HOSTILE you will be covert and distrusting; you will not be easy to discern as an entourage, your health/mana will be concealed where possible and - when following another - you will not willingly be led by teleport onto enemy soil, nor into enemy 'restricted' locations, nor between otherwise disconnected locations or planes of existence. There are numerous powers to bind a person into your following, to forcibly lead them onto your "turf" and being HOSTILE is just one of the many layers of defence to resist such an outcome.