Ents are living trees, if you will, of ancient spirit - roused typically by those with unparalled animism or sylvan knowledge and sympathies, to act under instruction of their human friends. Ents are tall, powerful and intelligent, slow to anger but quick to act once roused. They are found in most of the ancient forests, often impossible to tell from the regular trees of similar type save by those with a well-trained eye. It is the aim of most Animists, Rangers and Druids to one day meet, befriend and share company with an ent - for these are the beating heart of the forest rendered sentient and real.
Ents are sometimes used as shepherds of other trees, trees normally dormant and passive: trees possessing of ancient natural spirits known as "huorns". These huorns are one of Avalon's most dangerous forces. Information can be found in HELP HUORNS. Ents tend to be benign and non-violent, resorting only to aggression in defence of their brethren trees (e..g. against a callous woodcutter) or when roused to anger by a ranger with whom they have a close affinity.