Type JOIN EGGMELEE to put your name down as a competitor ahead of time and PARTICIPANTS EGGMELEE to see who else has done so, prior to the event itself. Sometimes there are limited places for fairness sake so it is wise to ensure you are listed as a prospective competitor.
The objective of the EGGMELEE is to throw as many eggs at as many people as possible. Eggs may be retrieved from the dispensers at each of the four city squares, at the Meeting Place, and at three further changeable locations. If you want to receive an egg stand before a dispenser and type REQUEST EGG. Usually you can hold twenty-four at any time.
You gain points based on the experience and skill of your target, and the distance of your throw. You lose points for being hit by an egg.
Syntax: THROW EGG AT <target> or THROW EGG AT <target> <direction>
Long throws take more time to execute, and are thus more easily dodged, but earn more points. You can throw in a straight line as long as you can SQUINT so an egg chucked at somebody standing by your side is obviously worth a lot less than an ideal egg-hurl: all the way down the great north road, for instance.
Two important simple commands: EGGWHO shows the points of everyone playing in the egg-melee, and EGGTOPS shows the highest ranked players. Higher ranked players are worth more points.
After being hit by an egg you will become a bad egg for a short period, during which time you are invulnerable to further eggs. Protected people may not throw eggs or be hit by eggs. Pacifists and duellists may participate freely in the egg-melee; without restriction. The eggs are harmless and created by a little divine glitterdust, so all may feel free to throw them without violating any peace codes.