The following commands are for use with the great golden egg fashioned by the cities and offered to the Dragon of Sapience to make it do their bidding in the months of Hindyear, Leaflost and Agamnion (the last three) before the dragon returns to rest at the start of the New Year.
To awaken the loyalty of the dragon requires the forging and enriching of a golden egg. Barons/Captains may begin the process of forging this egg in the central squares of their home city by typing WHEELSTART with sufficient gold laid upon the ground ready for collation. Young cityfolk will then set about the initial task of making the golden egg ready for their elders. Protect these youngsters for they must be given time to complete their task.
The great golden egg then created should be taken to a furnace where those with Forging skill can use the WHEELFORGE command to add gold, gems, silver or metals to augment its value for the greedy dragon. Syntax here is WHEELFORGE followed by the precious metal/gems youwish to add to the egg's value. Refined essence must be on the ground, before the furnace, alongside the valuable items being added.
Syntax: WHEELROLL <direction>
The great egg is moved using the WHEELROLL command, for otherwise it is difficult to shift about and has a divine protection against being destroyed or interfered with by hostile forces. Since the WHEELROLL command brings about aggressive behaviour from the dragon its use is limited to those who do not hold duellist, pacifist or protected status.
Issue the WHEELFIX command to set it by its furnace if you wish it to be immovable by any mortal force, or WHEELUNFIX to begin moving it again.
Should a city be successful in forging and filling a great golden egg with wealth of sufficient value to persuade the great dragon of Sapience to act on their behalf during the month of Hindyear it is the Prince or Princess who must determine its actions. City leaders may type WHEELWORTH to assess the worth of the golden egg offering and DRAGON STATUS to show how the offering is to be divided between the available dragon "quid pro quo".
Syntax: DRAGON PROTECT <worth>.
To protect citizens of a favoured city against enemies trespassing on said city's homesoil: the Dragon will slay enemies of the city when they come onto home soil until the allocation is used up.
Syntax: DRAGON CROPFLAME <worth> and DRAGON CROPAID <worth>.
To attack the crops and ruin the harvest of foreign cities use CROPFLAME. It has the Dragon burn the ready-for-harvest fields of enemy cities. CROPAID on the other hand bribes the Dragon to make rains bless the yield of your city fields.
Syntax: DRAGON RAIN <worth>.
This tells the Dragon to steal commodities from about the land, especially from foreign cities, and rain them on your home city - on locations outdoor with players/citizens in open view. You can use DRAGON SPREAD to allocate the remainder of your egg-worth equally between all positive Dragon "activities" as a quick way of ensuring all worth is used once your main designations have been made.
Soon as the city decides the golden egg is sufficiently filled with wealth to bribe the dragon and the various allocations are done, the great artifact must be moved to Mount Sapience.
Taking the great golden egg to the dragon is done using WHEELROLL (command described above). It is a task undertaken by the Prince, Princess, Cardinal or Prime Minister and none other may assume the honour. It must be done before 1st Hindyear else the egg will not reap any benefit.
Syntax: WHEELROLL <direction> then WHEELFIX in the Dragon Cave.
The golden-egg is rolled into the cave of the sleeping dragon and fixed there for the 1st of Hindyear when the beast awakens. The rising of the Dragon of Sapience is a momentous moment and you will find the drake honourable to the offerings and allocations of each city placing a golden egg as gift to herald his awakening.
The dragon of Sapience will return to sleep once it has depleted the entirety of the various golden egg offerings or at the dawn of the New Year, whichever comes first. It will then seek to awaken once again on the subsequent Hindyear. On those years without offerings the dragon will not come forth.
WARNING: ensure the allocations for the "bribe" are set before the month of Hindyear else the Dragon will happily devour the golden offering but disdain to offer any aid or protection; all your efforts would thus be wasted.