The CORALQUEST is a six hour quest whose ultimate prize is the divine coral gem and the right to contend in the forthcoming Ordination. It is not necessary to attend the entire time to be victorious but missing any of the special rounds (events in their own right) will greatly reduce your chances.
The SHELLQUEST is the overall format: a hunt for shells of different types as they appear in the land. Shells are worth points. The more rare the shell, the higher its worth. The SHELLQUEST will be active for all of the six hour duration.
HELP SHELLS gives detailed info on how you redeem shells for points but in summary: either REDEEM the shell at the oysters placed at city centres or the main oyster placed at the Meeting Place. It is permitted to LODGE shells for safe keeping but lodging will only store the shell for ONE minute. After they it returns to your inventory so you must log out directly after LODGE completed to have your shells kept secure. The lodged shells will return to you as soon as you next enter Avalon.
Type SHELLTOPS to see the points scores for the SHELLQUEST component of the Coral event and LEAGUE for the overall Coral standings as points are logged per each round or event.
Combat and theft will be allowed under SHELLQUEST rules. Combat will be restricted in other parts of the CORALQUEST and the choice of playing the whole event as a pacifist/non-combatant wil be perfectly valid.
The Hot Kipper: contestants will be required to swim around Moonstone Lake and avoid being the one left with the kipper in their inventory when the sands run out.
The Torch Quest Contest: a number of races with challenging rules to make them comptitive and defy automatic speed-walking. This will not always be a peaceful race. It can be collaborative. This is the TORCHQUEST format. See HELP TORCHQUEST for overview, RULES TORCHQUEST for rule specifics.
HELP TORCHQUEST gives details on the race contest but in summary: you first JOIN TORCHQUEST then to take part in a race, type REQUEST TORCH, WIELD TORCH, LIGHT TORCH at the start of each round. You will need to reach your destination with torch still lit. Moving too fast or indeed any number of possible occurrences will cause your torch to lose its flame - and if that happens you must go back to the start to relight it. See RULES TORCHQUEST for specific rules governing the event and regulations you need to obey to keep your torch flame lit.
Type RULES CORALQUEST to see this overview document, RULES SHELLQUEST or RULES TORCHQUEST for the rule specifics for individual rounds regardless of which event is currently active.