#Section 1 Introduction to Avalon
concept * Avalon's underlying 'challenging game' concept (essential reading)
initial * Intro to Avalon: Words of Welcome and Reasons to Try
game * Avalon - Five Rings and a Living Mount Olympus
meta * The five meta-games that make up Avalon
founding * Founding Ideals of the Homeland - the Cities of Avalon
environment * The Text Based Game Environment: For The New and Unfamiliar
credited * Credited status to play for free, pay to grow
subscription * Avalon Subscriptions: the tiers and the benefits
conduct * Your Conduct while in the Avalon game world
syntax * Syntax used throughout the Avalon HELP System
etiquette * Etiquette for dealing with Young/Junior Avalonians
economics * Avalon's Unique Virtual Economic System (Summary Overview)
gods * Concept of the Deities - Commands of Divine Relevance
dreams DREAM Dreams for the Young - Learn of Avalon and its Peoples
citizenhelp * Info on "Citizen Help" - Player Written City/Guild Help
creators * Creators and Contributors to Avalon over Three Decades
village * Villages Dotted Around the Avalon Continent and Isles
shopping * Purchasing Items and Services in Old Curiosity Shops
trinket * Trinkets of Special Power and Enchanted Artifacts
micro * Micro Purchases - Herbs, Potions, Poisons, Runes
crowns MONEY Hard Currency - Buying Avalon Crowns and Interest Gain
invest * Investing Crowns in private bank accounts
role * Role and Character: Guidelines for Playing Avalon
second * Second and Next Characters: Roleplay Rules
sadism * REALplay versus ROLEplay - Competition Not Bullying
heroism OBJECTIVE The reawakening of an ancient heroism: Avalon in a sentence
#Section 2 Novicehood - The first steps
basicskills * The basic set of newborn skills
novice NOVICEHOOD About the first stage of Avalon life: novicehood
intro * Intro - Some Commands, Some Info, Some Suggestions
autoguide * The automated guide for all novices
academies * Introduction to the City Academies
academy * The role and purpose of the Academies
school SCHOLAR The city schools and their purpose
course * Courses available at the city schools
schoolcom * Command list with syntax for the School
badge * Badges for guild apprentices
accolade * The accolade quests for all novices
select SELECTION Select Command - Sampling the Guild Skills
enrollment ENROLL Enrolling yourself in a guild
apprentice * Apprenticeship in a guild
teacher * The role of the teacher in early Avalon
map * The MAP command and Automatic Region Map on Movement
finding ZOOM Finding Specific Targets using FIND and ZOOM commands
light * Illuminating your surroundings when it is dark
junior MIDDLEWHO The little and middling ranks; junior status
milestone * Marble milestones; junior effect on armies
sage GURU The mortal and divine sage specialists
standing STAGE Standings in Avalon: from Novice to Nobility
experience MEMORIES Experiences building a pattern picture of Avalon life
command * Summary Command List - Syntax Only
graduation * Graduation Day - first red-letter date - Coming of Age
childhood * Childhood - the Avalon Character Creation Process
#Section 3 The Avalon Game World
city * The City-State - Concept, Form and Hierarchy
citysum * Summary of Avalon's Great City-States
guildsman * Guilds: your Character Career and Profession Class
newborn * Newly Created Characters: the Birth City
protection * Divine Protection: Total Safety from Deadly Attack
hording * Hording Possessions, Special Items, Artifacts
level * The One Hundred Experience Levels: Newborn to Ordainable
outfitting * Initial outfitting and marketplace location
quit QQ Pausing your Avalon game; store your character; leave Avalon
overview * Overview of the Avalon Skills System
skill * Improving proficiency in skills
wealth * Avalon currency - the gold piece
location * Locations: brief and verbose descriptions
door DRAWBRIDGE Doors, gates and other barriers
lock * Locks and their mechanisms
wagon * Wagons and similar unenclosed/smaller carts.
furnace * Furnaces and forges
houses * The Houses of Healing
relics * Special relics used to crown one's skill learning
libraries * The great Libraries of Avalon and how to use them
librarian * The currently appointed librarians
cherub * Cherubs: Safekeepers of Quest and Puzzle Items
locale BANNER The location divided for construction/warfare
skies SKY The Skies, Heavens and Stars over Avalon
holy MARKING Holy Locations: the Mark of Divine Presence
temple * Temples of the Gods and Territory of the Priesthood
priesthood * Priests and religious orders in Avalon
elevation * The concept of height, above and below sea-level
underdeep UNDERGROUND Beneath the surface of the continent
petition COURT The Court: petitioning the divine Judge
gossip * Wonders to be heard on the gossip grapevine
chest * Gifted to all juniors: novice equipment chest
timeline * Timeline of Avalon History from 800 to Present
force * The Eight Fundamental Forces
#Section 4 The Basic Command Set
moving MOVE Moving yourself about the land
obstacles * Overcoming obstacles to your free movement
inventory INV Looking at your inventory of possessions
itembasics * Basics for dealing with items in Avalon
objects ITEMS Manipulating items about you
info * The INFO command for quick item listing
looking LOOK Looking about you, to see where you are
score * The SCORE command and explanation
status * The STATUS command and explanation
who * How to find who is playing Avalon with you
learning * Learning your skills
teaching * Teaching skills to others
lesson * Lessons and learning
lessontext * An example of an Avalon lesson
gain * Gaining lessons and maximising learning benefit
defences * The DEFENCES command and explanation
movement * Moving about the land
compass * Using the java applet compass to move about
holding * Keeping your inventory more safe and less burdensome
#Section 5 Communication
communicating * The importance of communication in Avalon
say * Saying things to those in your location
calling CALL Using the calling system to communicate
bb * Using and understanding the Avalon bulletin board
letter POST Letters and the postal system
messages MSG Private messages between individuals
notes * Writing, reading and posting notes
scrolls * Writing, reading and using scrolls
shouting SHOUT Shouting so that many may hear your words
signs * Writing on, and fixing signs for all to see
telling TELL Telling privately to individuals all over Avalon
emotions * Expression the emotions of your character
script * Securing your writings with runic script
communication COMMUNICATE Communicating with others
scout * Scouting around the land, scout-maps and their uses
poster * Posters, the permanent letter/sign crossover
bbsection * Information on BB sections and password restrictions
sayexample * An example of a conversation
store * The Avalon store of real-world products
acting * Acting Parts - Smooth Talking and Evocative Roleplay
#Section 6 Your Avalon Character - Overview
roleplay * The importance of roleplaying for your character
selections * Sampling Professional Classes by Selection
badges * The Twenty Badges of the Guild Apprentice
quest * Quests for your character to perform
standing * Your Standing in Avalon: from Novice to Legend
deeds * The deeds of your character worthy of renown
feats * Feats of Great Import: Character Experiences
legend * Building the Legend: Your Character and Eternity
nobility * Citizenship Ranks: Commoner to Noble Aristocracy
stature * Stature - Reputation in City and Profession
title * City Government, Nobile Titles, Aristocratic Favour
earning * Earning gold for your character
avalonian * The target for all mortals - Avalonian level
divinities DIVS Favour and disfavour from the Gods
alignment * Your character's propensity toward good or evil
description * Descriptions of your character and history
demeanour * Character demeanour: hostile/friendly outlook
pacifism PACIFIST Playing Avalon without conflict
neutrality NEUTRAL The choice of neutrality in Avalon
weddings PREGNANCY Avalon weddings and pregnancies
#Section 7 Your Avalon Character - Combat and Exploration
combatintro * Introduction to the Realm of Combat
artcombat * The Art of Combat
equilibrium * Equilibrium - used in all mental exertion
balance * Balance - used in all physical exertion
bloodlust * Lust for blood, a gift from the Gods
battle * Ensuring readiness for battle
defending * Defending against attack
melee * Coping with the rigours of a battle
escaping * Techniques of escaping from a battle
projectiles * Combat using projectiles
weapons * Commands for weapon-related combat
combat * Combat initiation commands
safety * Staying safe under divine protection
duellist DUELLISM Restrictive but useful protection/safety
luddite * The luddite choice: a life less complex
cccfight * An example of a player vs CCC fight
playerfight * An example of a player vs player (PvP) fight
competitor * The competitor status and its benefits
pinnacle * Rock Pinnacle and event-watching at the Rock Pools
guiding GUIDE Guiding Others - from Graduation to Prizes and Beyond
parties * Grouping Together as a Party: Short-Term Common Goals
fellowship * Fellowships: Permanent Fraternities - Shared History
audience * The Audience - Assembling, Rewarding, Acclaiming
microcosm * Concept of Avalon "Meta Games" - a Crucible of Heroes
#Section 8 Your Avalon Character - State of Health
health * The health of your character
breathing BREATH Breathlessness and its avoidance
mana MIND The mana (mental strength) of your character
recovery * Natural recovery of health and mana
unconscious * Unconsciousness due to low health
death * The consequences of death
deatheffect * The cost to your character of death
deathship * The ship of the dead
resurrection * Resurrection after an untimely death
trainer * Using the NPC tutors to train your fighting skills
lifepool * The Pool of Life and its purpose
food * Food, snacks and meals and well-being
wellbeing HUNGER Your character's desire for food
sustenance * Sustenance potions and their side-effects
flask * Hip Flasks - Herb and Poison Distilled Infusions
wurtfoil * The Wurtfoil herb and its benefits
darsurion * The herb Darsurion and its benefits
pipe SMOKING Using pipes, smoking herbs or poisons
wound LONGWOUND Wounds of permanent nature, beyond death
wash * Cleansing yourself by bathing/washing
#Section 9 Specifics of the Avalon Worldsystem
challenge * The formal and honourable challenge
naming NAMES Naming your possessions, steeds and pets
friends ENEMY Declaring your friends and enemies
prefix SUFFIX Prefixes and suffixes for your character
voting VOTE Casting your vote in an election
trading * Trading between villages, towns and cities
banking BOXES Making use of city and village banks
commerce * Buying and selling at merchant establishments
elections * Elections in cities and guilds
polls * Polls to gauge public opinion in Avalon
shopkeeping * Obtaining and running a shop
shop * Interacting with shops about Avalon
barter * Bartering and interacting with shops
estate ENDOW Obtaining real estate (houses, towers, taverns)
reading READ Reading letters, notes, scrolls and books
writing * Writing your contribution to a scroll or tome
werewolf * The werewolf form, perils and benefits
pet * Obtaining a pet for yourself and keeping it safe
fishing * The three types of fishing: fly, pot and sea
repairs * Repairing damaged weapons and armour
duels DUELLING Duel between one or more opponents
xpquest XPQ Quests initiated and controlled by players
iconoclasm iconoclast Iconoclasm: pious aggression against holy targets
npc * NPC: the Non-Player Character in Avalon
soulmate * The soulmates of the ancient forests
metal * Metals and ores in the land
charity * Charity donations and helping the missions
bearform BEAR The legendary form of the Bear
#Section 10 Items, Creatures and CCCs
boat CANOE Using boats to navigate rivers and lakes
book * Interacting with large books and tomes
brewing BREW Brewing herbs and poisons for maximum effect
commodities * Commodities of Avalon and their use
gold * Simple in-game wealth in the land - gold coins
equipping * Equpping with artifacts and special items
steed * The benefit and use of steeds
stable stabling Stablehands and specialist care for steeds
artifact * Magical items imbedded with charms
key * Use of Keys
loyalty * Loyalty of creatures and CCCs
creatures * Interacting with creatures of Avalon
ccc MOBILE Interacting with the CCCs
offering OFFER Offering items to the deities in their temples
hook * Use of the hook-rune for equipment protection
kit * Lockpicking kits; creation and evolution
craftsmen CRAFTSMAN Specialist craftsmen and artifacts
crafting * Crafting items, clothing, fashions etc
livestock MEADOW Livestock, meadows and pastoral care
fish * Fish: river and sea fishing, fish trading
forager * The young forager and his function
task * Forager tasks to benefit you, the mentor
curio CURIOSITY Goods and Services in the Old Curiosity Shop
bird EGG Birds of Avalon; from egg, reared to adulthood
breeding BIRTHING Breeding and birthing livestock/animals
feeding ANIMAL Details on feeding of livestock, birds, etc
critter INFESTATION The land's little creatures and their effect
prey falcon Birds of prey, uses and impact on the land
dryad SPIRIT Dryads: wood-spirits renowne for guiding the lost
container VESSEL Containers: hold and transport liquids or substances
fire FLAME Fires - making and dousing them
smithy TEMPLATE The smithy of Iorlas Morbeth: template purchasing
loading * Loading/unloading containers, vehicles and wagons
barrel VAT Alchemical barrels and essence distillation vats
globe * The Divine Globe - Temple of the City Patron
mirror * Mirrors of Cenedril - Seeing the Action from Afar
#Section 11 The Guild and The Guildmaster
guilds * Summary of the Avalon Guilds
tutors * List of the tutors of Avalon's guilds
headtutor UNDERTUTOR The rank of head tutor and guild under tutors
guildpatron * Divine patronage of a Guild and its members
activity * Activity within a Guild
accounts * Guild bank accounts
challenging * Initiating a guild election
guildfeelings * Feelings and policies of a guild
guildstores * Guild commodity stores and their use
specialist SPECIAL Special abilities for guild legions/fieldworkers
guildhouse * The guild house and associated buildings
allegiance * Allegiance to your guild
elders * The title of Guild Elder
honours * Professional guild honours
guildfavour * Favour and disfavour within your guild
members * Reviewing membership of a guild
probation * The perils and purpose of guild probation
guildrank * Rankings within a guild hierarchy
guilds * List of currently available Guilds
honourlist * Guild honours for all professions
master * The Role of Guildmaster or Guildmistress
mastering * Mastering a Guild and its Responsibilities
guildwatch * Watching over guild members
guildmaster * Abilities for the Guildmaster alone
recruitment * Guilds which offer public recruitment
quartermaster * The rank of quarter-master within a guild
fieldleader leader The field-leader rank in the guild
captain * The rank of captain of a guild
invite INVITATION Invitations for prospective members
reputation renown Guild reputations and their effects/powers
ideal GUILDIDEAL The ideals held by your guild
guildhelp * The private helpfiles for each guild
#Section 12 Geography - Overview, Cities and Curiosities
layout * Rough layout of the Avalon game world (mainland)
setting * The geographical setting of Avalon
settlements * Towns and Villages all over Avalon
parrius * The eastern city of Parrius
mercinae * The ancient southern city-port of Mercinae
healers * Obtaining companion healers
thakria * Black-walled Thakria, city of miracles
silverfalls * The city of Silverfalls
tavern * Taverns to visit and sup in
goblin * The Goblin Town and its brotherhood
thaumacie * The dwarven fortress of Thaumacie
rivers * Rivers about the continent
forest * The forests and woods of Avalon
greenwood * The expansive Greenwood forest
springdale * The ruined city of Springdale
wildlands * The wildlands of Avalon
thrullmere * Lake Thrullmere on the Callieton
northlands * The Northlands of Avalon
orestes * The forest halls of Orestes, the Astrologer
pangyron * The dark hill of Pangyron, Star-Sorcerer
gant * Gant, legend of the Northern Mountains
azrili * The Azrilite Vale
silverlight * The River Silverlight
market * Marketplaces in the various villages
weather RAIN Weather in the land; some of its effects
arena * The Battlearena and the Chetwood
fishing FISH Fishing: techniques, locations, advice
centres * Central locations of guild, city and village
#Section 13 Avalon game world: Towns and Villages
archangel * The mountain village of Archangel
ariadne * Ariadne, town on Lake Thrullmere
bedillam * The deathly forest of Bedillam
barholm * Small village of Barholm by the Iona highlands
coriona * Silent Coriona, at the foot of Sapience
culloden * Culloden, village of the northwestern steppes
dundalk * Dundalk, village of the moon-worshippers
eastpoint * The town of Eastpoint, north of Parrius
eleusis * Eleusis, river-town
eleuthera * Eleuthera on the Lake
gaurthang * Gaurthang, fortress of the vampire
gabbad * Gabbad, fortress of the Marshes
greenys * Greeny's Edge, village of light
isabella * Isabella, haven of the thieves
kenkria * Kenkria's Monastery town
knightswood * The town of Knightswood
krempton * Krempton, on the eastern banks of Thrullmere
kristanisti * Kristanisti, east of Silverfalls
ladakh * Ladakh, east of the Moonstone Lake
iona * Iona, mountain peak and village
marshton * Marshton, on the edge of the Dead Marshes
morganas * Morgana's Rise on the lowlands of Avalon
nassau * Nassau, village of the rampant dragon
ogg * Ogg, village of the Northwood
oakwood * Oakwood End, at the north of the Greenwood
pilgrims * Pilgrim's Rest, holiest of villages
sapience * The volcanic mount of Sapience
snowfoot * Snowfoot, frozen village of the north
#Section 14 Character Class - the Avalon Professions
career * Profession List with Guilds Currently Recruiting
classes * Overview of all Classes and Profession Paradigms
profession * Index of Professional Classes Available
knight * Physical Combat Front Line - The Knight
mage * Light Magic and Ritual Specialist - The Mage
loremaster * Creators and Students of Rune/Alchemy - the Loremaster
sorcerer * Dark Magic, Demonology and Necromancy - the Sorcerer
bard * Songs of Enchantment, Magic in Music - the Bard
thief * Stealth, Subterfuge, Burglary - the Thief
seer * Mystical Fatalism and Ethereal Mastery - the Seer
ranger * Forest Protector and Shape-Changer - the Ranger
animist DRUID Pacifist, Altruist and Naturalist - the Druid/Animist
choices * The choice of a character class
changing * Changing Profession - the Price of Bad Decisions
#Section 15 The Avalon Guilds
alchemists * The Guild of Alchemists
animists * The Guild of Animists
artisans * The Guild of Artisans
assassins * The Assassins Guild
astrologers * The Guild of Astrologers
bandits * The Bandits Guild
brigands * The Brigands Guild
cavaliers * The Cavaliers Guild
druids * The Druids Guild
sirens * The Sirens Guild
enchanters * The Enchanters Guild
knights * The Guild of Knights
mystics * The Guild of Mystics
loremasters * The Loremasters Guild
mages * The Guild of Mages
templars * The Holy Guild of Templars
rangers * The illustrious Guild of Rangers
seers * The Seers Guild
sorcerers * The Guild of the Sorcerers
nightblades * The Nightblades Guild
bards * The Guild of Bards
apostles * The Apostles Guild
sentinels * The Sentinels Guild
warlocks * The Guild of Warlocks
warriors * The Warriors Guild
wizards * The Wizards Guild
revenants * The Guild of Revenants
minstrels * The old Minstrels Guild
thieves * The old United Thieves Guild
#Section 16 Skills: by Profession and by Important Commands
ultimate * The highest skill level: crowned ultimate
procure * Procuring lessons speedily as you grow older
alchemistry * The Class Skills of the Loremaster Profession
druidry * The Animist Class Skills
bardism * Class Skills of the Bard Profession
knight * The Knight Class Skills
magery * Skills of the Mage Class
ranging * The Skills of the Ranger Class
astrology * Skills of the Seer Class
sorcery * The Dark Skills of the Sorcerer Class
thiefism * Skills of the Thief Class
specialisation SPECIALISE Specialisations across all Avalon's professions
opalescence * The Opalescent Specialisation of Loremastery
skymastery SKYMASTER Master of the skies; Loremaster specialisation
ornithology * Ornithology, specialisation for Druid professionals
falconry * Falconry, bird empathy for the Ranger profession
animism * Attainment of Animism; druidical specialisation
crusades * The knight profession's great quests: the Crusades
oracle * Seer specialisation: the Oracle of the Ethereal Wind
sylvan * The pinnacle of ranger skills - the Sylvan Lore
elementalism ELEMENT Elementalism, the crowning skill of the Mage Class
animistry * The sphere of the Animist and the Druid class
#Section 17 The Avalon Skills System
constitution * The core-skill of Constitution
defence * The core-skill of Defence
fisticuffs * The core skill of Fisticuffs
perception * The core skill of Perception
scholarship * The core skill of Scholarship
farming * The economic skill of Farming
labours * The economic skill of Labours
itemlore * The academic skill of Itemlore
riding * The academic skill of Riding
survival * The academic skill of Survival
swordplay * The academic skill of Swordplay
alchemy * The skill of Alchemy
arcana * Arcane lore from bygone ages
candescence * The skill of Candescence
charming * The skill of Charming
chivalry * The skill of Chivalry
demonology * The skill of Demonology
dramatics * The skill of Dramatics
elixirs * The skill of Elixirs
endurance * The skill of Endurance
evocation * The skill of Evocation
farsight * The skill of Farsight
fatalism * The skill of Fatalism
forestry * The skill of Forestry
forging * The skill of Forging
healing * The skill of Healing
herbs * The skill of Herbs
music * The skill of Music
mysticism * The skill of Mysticism
naturalism * The skill of Naturalism
necromancy * The skill of Necromancy
poison * The skill of Poisons
rituals * The skill of Rituals
runes * The skill of Runes
songs * The skill of Songs
spiritualism * The skill of Spiritualism
stealth * The skill of Stealth
thievery * The skill of Thievery
trapping * The skill of Trapping
voice * The skill of Voice
warcraft * The skill of Warcraft
weaponry * The skill of Weaponry
#Section 18 The City-State
government CIVIC Structure and Constitution of City/Town Government
barony BARON The baronial council and the rank of Baron
prince * The Prince: embodiment of the power of the Crown
patronage * Patronage: the City and its Deity
pm * Prime Minister: day to day head of city government
cardinal * The patron-appointed Cardinal: Representing the Gods
ministries MINISTER City Government: the Many Ministries
chancellor * The Chancellor and City Treasurer
marshall * The Field Marshall: Leader of the Armies
questioning * Questioning Members of the Baronial Council
deputies DEPUTY Deputy or Second-in-Command Position and Powers
aideship * Aides to Ministries, Field Marshall and Chancellory
representation MYRMIDON Divine Orders within the City-State
justice * The Minister of Justice and Homeland Security
state * The Minister of State and the Interior
ambassador * The Ambassador and Minister for Foreign Affairs
trade * Trade Ministry and Commodity Trading/Markets
public PR Public Relations Minister: duty and requirements
crying * Crying for aid on home soil
saferooms * Barracks, commodity stores and shop stockrooms
barracks DORM Barracks and Dormitories: legions safely training
exile * The awful edict of exile and its effects
decree EMERGENCY The emergency powers and other Crown decrees
veto * The Order of Veto: key powers of the Barony
monarch * Appointing the Prime Minister to the Crown
guardian * The divinely appointed city guardian status
witness * Witnessing of your Activity by the City Divine Globe
duties * Civic Duties: responsibilities entrusted to citizens
medal * Medals from city, guild, order and gentry
salaries salary Salaries from your city or your guild
construction * How the Minister of State can extend a city
#Section 19 Government and Governmental Commands
actions * Actions, Battleactions, Stallactions and Lockactions
caravans * Utilising trading caravans
citizen * Reviewing and altering the citizenry
gates * Controlling the gates of the city
citykeys * Fashioning and distributing keys
cityshop * Controlling the shops in a city
stalls * Managing the all-important city stalls
tax * Taxes and city taxation
economy * Reviewing and managing the overall economy
expenses * Reviewing the expenses of a city
cityhelp ch The CITYHELP command and its sub-info files.
feelings * Reviewing and altering a city's foreign relations
locksmith * Utilising the city locksmiths
outlaws * Declaring an outlaw or removing enemy status
privilege * Royal Privilege: Powers of the Prince/Princess
general * General City Government Commands and Powers
send * Sending Mail - Reaching Out Beyond the Realm
cityhelp * CITYHELP the central government command listings
military * Overview of Field Marshall (General/Colonel) Commands
minjustice * Minister of Justice: Commands and Usage Syntax
minstate * The State Ministerial Core Commands and Syntax
duty * List of the Duty Choices
#Section 20 Events, Quests, Contest and Organised Competition
events * Forthcoming Events in Avalon of Any Kind
schedule * The Schedule for Ordination: Forthcoming Quests/Contents
winners VICTORS Winners listed from recent Contests and Events
gem * The Fifteen Divine Gems and the Gem Powers
gemquest * Fifteen Quest Events for the Gems and Contendership
contender * Contenders for the Next Ordination
rules * Rules - Current Quest/Contest or Forthcoming Event
tournament * The Tournament System
league * The Tournament League
yearquest * The annual pacifist questing tournament
guildtourn GT The Sceptre of the Night guild tournament
sceptre * The powers of the Sceptre of the Night
flagquest * The Flag Quest - Competition of Team Conflict
immortal * The Immortal Combat - Contest of Equals
eggspoon * Egg and Spoon Race Games
redeem LODGE Redeeming lodged artifacts acquired in Quests
sands * The sands-quest: elimination contests for Ordination
olympics * The Avalon Olympics: details and rules
torchquest TORCH The Torch Quest: how it works, how to compete
#Section 21 War, Conquest, Tribute and Geopolitics
war * Introduction to Warfare in Avalon
commission * Badges of Commission: General, Colonel, Foreigners
sphere SOI Sphere of Influence: Territory of a City State
finance * Matters Finacial: Expenses of Legions and War
youngsters * Enlistment: new recruits for the city/guild legions
enlisting ENLIST The ENLIST command: legion gathering and building
beckoning INTRODUCE Introduction Letters and Passes: beckoning enlistment
morale * The Morale and Moral Health of the Military
gatehouse FORTIFICATION Gatehouses: the Fortified Defence of the Homeland
manning * Manning fortifications, lowering and raising the barrier
diplomat * Diplomats: Foreign Relations and Honourary Passes
flagging * Flying the Flag of Influence, Occupation and Conquest
claim * Claiming Locations: Expansion of the Home Frontier
tribute * Exacting Regular Tribute from Occupied Territory
consequence * Consequences of Warfare Engagement across Avalon
occupation * Occupying Territory: foreign expansion and affairs
invasion INVADING Invasion of Cities: the Fight for the Homeland
conquest * Conquering a City: Criteria and Consequences
surrender * Surrender: Armistice and Treaty and Vice Regency
destruction * Destruction of Cities and the Divine Mandate
designate * Designating Recruits/Enlistables to Allies
treaties TREATY Current and Recent Treaties of Public Interest
gauntlet * Running the Gauntlet: Experience, Reward and Guerilla War
#Section 22 The Battlefield Guide: Legion Command and Waging War
commander * Battlefield Command - Concept, Overview, Explanations
legion * The LEGION Command: Complete Syntax and Summary
training * Training Legions - Development of Special Skills
dispatch * Remote Dispatch: Usage, Commands, Pigeons, Runners
marching * Movement between Locations and Point to Point
convey * Long Distance Movement - Legion CONVEY Command
approach * Arrangement of Legion for Actions - the Approach
formation * Legion "Formation" - Best Deployment Results
facing FACE The Facing Direction - Front and Rear Line Importance
manoeuvre * Manoeuvres: Legion Climbing, Swimming, Transporting
deploy * Activity of Legions: Use of Training Deployments
equip * Equipping Legions: Arming the Deployment Inventory
engage * Engage: melee, arrow strike, projectile bombing
besieging SIEGE Besiege: catapulting bombs and battering ram sieges
plunder RAZING Plunder to loot locations; Razing to destroy them
terrain DIGGING Terrain: Digging Down and Barricading Up and Around
tunnel * Tunnels: Underground Locations and Secret Movement
trenches * Trenches: Digging New Locations, Concealment, Ambush
materials * Equipment of War: construction and materials
siegetower TOWER Siegetowers: grappled defence and mobile offence
oilcauldron OIL Oil-Cauldrons: deadly attack and boiling defence
commanding * Warfare 1-Page Reference: Know This to Know Enough
core * Full List of Specialist Skills for Trained Legions
;fetchreturn * Fetching/Returning equipment and "fetchreturn" skill
;policy GOAL Warfare Policy: overview of the Battlefield Guide
;summary * Warfare Summary: Legions, Commanders, the Battlefield
;wargame HOW (to come) The "3-Page" warfare need-to-know guide
#Section 23 Patronage and the Gods of Avalon
creation MYTHOLOGY Avalon's creation song; the nature of divinity
intervention * Divine Intervention in Avalon's narrative
deities * The Immortal Deities of Avalon
realm * Divine Realms: building blocks of Life and Creation
orderstatus * Status within a divine order
follower WORSHIPPER The role of a divine patron and mortal follower
devotion * Devoting certain deeds to a selected God or Goddess
obeisance * The rituals of obeisance: group acts of worship
contesting * Conflict between Gods: direct contest of might
stricken * Deities stricken; unable to exist in the mortal realm
festival PRESIDING Congregating for holy rituals of priestly presiding
consecration CONSECRATING Festivals of Consecration and Holy Ground
veneration VENERATING Veneration Festivals: icons and statues of the Gods
glory HOPE Revitalising a God: Hope and Glory Festivals
revival REVIVING The wondrous revival of a stricken divinity
ordination * The Greatest Quest of All - Ordination
appointment * Divine Appointment; Exceptional Mortals Raised to the Pantheon
wrath BOON Wrath and Boon: curses and gifts from the Gods
patrons * A list of the active deities
theology DIVINEHISTORY Avalon and the pantheon over the centuries
faer * Glossary relating to Gods, Divinity and Creation
#Section 24 The Pantheon: about individual Gods and Goddesses
genesis * Genesis, the god of time
aldaron * Aldaron, the god of life
andromeda * Andromeda, the goddess of dreams
cornelius * Cornelius, the god of magic
castigere * Castigere, the god of justice
diabolus * The Diabolus
hyperion * Hyperion, god of the light
maedhros * Maedhros Allendil, the Hunter
mephisto * Mephisto, god of the night
nostradamus * Nostradamus, god of darkness
orthwein * Orthwein, the god of fate
rhadamanthys * Rhadamanthys, god of compassion
elmaethor * Elmaethor, god of the stars
wraith * Wraith, god of mischief
brigantia * Brigantia, the goddess of nature
astrea * Astrea, the first goddess
xanthe * Xanthe, goddess of vengeance
proteus * Proteus, god of the sea
damocles * Damocles, god of chaos
malhavok * Malhavok, the god of the storm
tyranis * Tyranis, god of war
loki * Loki, the god of fire
aethon * Aethon, the Sun-God
thanatos * Thanatos, god of Death
telemachus * Telemachus, the god of wisdom
ashvani * Ashvani, goddess of the moon
sylvanus * Sylvanus, god of the earth
#Section 25 History and Legend
history * An overview of Avalon's pre-modern era
fall * The fall of Alessandria
azrilites * The legend of the Azrilites
bezejeth * Count Bezejeth and Necromancy
colonisation * Early colonisation of Avalon
divinewar * The Divine War
stone * The founding stone of Mercinae
agammenion * Thakria and the Count Agammenion
cultists * The Cult of the Long Night
doom PAGEA The Doom of Pagea
firstborn * The firstborn to Avalon
firstmaster * The first Masters of the Guilds
firstgods * The first deities in Avalon
ammarie * The story of Ammarie the Possessed
threesons * The quest of the Three divine Sons
marriage * The first marriage between two mortals
secondborn * The secondborn mortals to Avalon
thakrianmind * Pre-Eminence of the Thakrian Mind
invasion870 * The invasion of Mercinae
pastgods * Long-dead Gods of Avalon's past
rollcall * The Roll Call of Avalonians
birth * The birth of Parrius
springtown * The rise of Springdale
forestgod GODMAEDHROS The Ordination of Maedhros
justicegod GODCASTIGERE The Ordination of Castigere
nightgod GODMEPHISTO The Ordination of Mephisto
darkgod GODNOSTRADAMUS The Ordination of Nostradamus
fategod GODORTHWEIN The Ordination of Orthwein
darkening * The darkening of Nostradamus
lazarus * Ordination of Lazarus
chaosgod GODDAMOCLES The Ordination of Damocles
doomgod GODMALHAVOK The Ordination of Malhavok
firegod GODLOKI The Ordination of Loki, god of fire
sungod GODAETHON The Ordination of Aethon, the Sun-God
starsgod STARGOD Ordination of Elmaethor, god of the stars
#Section 26 Articles on Avalon Game Theory and Combat Fundamentals
theory * An introduction to the theory of personal combat
client * A brief review of MUD client settings
fireflies * Dancing fireflies: triggers made manifest
automation BOT Using client automation to improve your fighting
usingmacros * Using macros and aliases effectively
basics * The basics of PvP combat theory
levellers * The great levellers: balance and equilibrium (cooldowns)
becomegreat * How to become a peerless fighter
priorities * The priorities of one-on-one PvP combat
articles * Terms used in the Articles of PvP Combat section
faq * Frequently Asked Questions about Warfare
whoagainst * Playing To Win - But Against Which Opposition?
aims * Aims of the Avalon Game System - Big Picture Raison d'Etre
meta * Avalon - the Five Meta-Games - Concept and Contribution
trigger * Triggers in the Avalon Settings - Highlight, Alert, React
#Section 27 Miscellaneous Avalon Game Documentation
admin * Administration commands
umbra * The Umbra Client: A browser, iOS and Android MUD Client
ratify * Ratification of Formal Documents - the Signature
gardening * Herbalism for the budding gardener
growth * Growth of flora about Avalon
guides * Guides for novices and young players
mentor * The Mentor System - Adoption and Friendship
oaths * The meaning and importance of the Oath
underworld * Descending into Avalon's underworld
listings * Various commands for inventory listing
latestupdates * UPDATES to Avalon Game System
#Section 28 Information - Tables and Lists
cities * Cities of Avalon
centre * Central points in the major cities
avalonians * The honourary and historical Avalonian level
paradigms * List of individuals atop their profession
guilds * List of currently open Guilds
protected * List of those currently under Divine Protection
fighter * The "truefighter" rank of PvP combat competence
calendar * The Avalon calendar
ccclist * List of well-known CCCs about the land
town * List of towns about the continent
charm * List of charms for artifact imbedding
prices * Commodity pricing table
academyskills * The skills of the Academy
emote SOCIAL List of some of the more popular emotions
herblist * List of herbs and rough effect description
poisonlist * List of poisons and effect descriptions
highpriests * High-Priests and Chosen Ones in the land
marshalls * List of Avalon's Field Marshalls
gemholder * List of Divine Gem Holders and Contenders for God
level * List of Avalon experience levels
ordained * Summary of the illustrious ordained ones
ordering * The ORDER command: full syntax and help
allcities * Summary of all Cities and High Nobility
potions * Table of alchemical potions and their effects
princes * List of known Princes about the continent
character * Information and such about your character
badgelist * List of the apprentice badges and requirements
skillrank * Rankings list of skill proficiency levels
herbalism * Commands for those skilled in Herbs or Poisons
hpcom * Commands for the High Priest only
order * Brief syntax of the order command
using * Using one thing to affect another
command FULLCOMMAND Full commands list and syntaxes
accuse CHEATING Accuse command: cheating and multiplay abuse
stigma * Stigmatised seconds/prior knowledge characters
surgery * Divine surgeries and the personal-attention session
directory * Directory command: syntax and usage.
choosing MARTIAL Martial (Combat Superlative) or Magical (Combat Imperative)
#Section 29 The Avalon Game Environment (Non-Role)
quiz QUIZZES Quizzes in Avalon and associated commands
rank RANKING The illustrious PvP Combat RANKS league table
quizmaster * Commands for those running Quizzes
abbreviations * Abbreviations of Avalon commands
macro * Using the Avalon Internal Macro system
cccs * CCCs - Computer Controlled Characters
colour ANSI Adding a touch of ansi colour
width * Setting the width of your window or screen
connecting * Connecting to Avalon via the Internet
prompt FULLPROMPT Customising Avalon's prompt
development SUGGESTION Filing bugs, making comments, submitting ideas
twentieth * The Avalon 20th Anniversary
#Section 30 Appendices and Extras: in Avalon
subindex * Index of HELP Files - Non-Section or Apocryphal
recent * Latest Royal Court, Guild and Election Politics
returning * For the long-slumbered returnee: useful info/commands
transition * Returning from dormancy, transition to modern Avalon
yossarian KEYMASTER Yossarian, the soul of the Knight profession
azrael * Azrael - The Black Priest
buildings * Buildings available to the Cities and Guilds
cook * Cooking specific, ingredients, tools, possibilities
race * The Wolfhound races of Thakria
marriage * List of the land's most illustrious wedded couples
eggquest * The egg quest, commands and details
auctions * Auctions for artifacts and treasure
dragon * The sage words concerning the dragon of Sapience
dragonact * Sapience commands for Prince or Princess alone
battleisle BATTLEWORLD The battle-isle - independent warfare land
globeideal * Those events a citizen can bias a globe towards
globeaction * Actions available to the gigantic holy city globes
globestave * Information on globe-staves, creation and empowering
power * Detailed list of powers available through globe-staves
scrumping * Scrumping, the art of the druid poacher
seed * Seeds for crops, trees, and general flora
#Section 31 Miscellaneous Help and Info: Out-of-Avalon
apotheosis * Right of Apotheosis - Divine Appointment Earned
helpers STAFF Helpful players and permanent guides (Avalon staff)
terms * Avalon Terms and Conditions
privacy * Privacy Policy (Avalon Online RPG)
issues EMERGENCIES Issues (bugs or otherwise) global significance
aura AURAWHO The "aura" state - inviolate but inactive
lag * Lag - the Internet Beast of Inexcusable Intrusion
time TIMEZONE Time in and out of Avalon/the real world
format * Format of contributions to Avalon
questwriting * How to develop quests for Avalon
charges * Subscription Charges for Novices
contact * Contact Details for Avalon
country COUNTRIES List of all countries we can send messages to.
contacting * Contacting Avalon Game Support - Out Of Character/Game
administration DEBT Administrative and Accounting Support Matters
payment * Payments to Avalon (subscription, procurement, etc)
specialoffer * Special offers and deals occasionally available
docs * General HELP content files not necessary for index.
restore RETURN Restoration of the First Profession/Class Skills
#Section 32 Avalon Player Memoirs
psycho793 * Psycho, Walker of the Twilight 793 aDW
conteck810 * Conteck, early Animist from mud and laps of the gods
belit830 * Belit, memories by the Sorcerer Fireside 830 aDW
derillion846 * Old Derillion, mentor superseded 846 aDW
snowlock850 * Snowlock of the Blood - ordained as Orthwein
hero858 * The Life and Times of Hero the Mage
tarkus858 * From the grassy knoll to founding Springdale
sorithia859 * Sorithia, the mirthless Seer 859 aDW
macros866 * Macros, Sorcerer in Gaurthang
amfiaros869 * Amfiaros of the Alchemists
casimian872 * Casimian of Springdale 872 aDW
shaitan874 * Shaitan, from birth to days before Ordination
ratavared * Words from Ratava the Red: gone and forgotten...
morgan900 * Sir Morgan, a day of glory, a life of toil
sparky903 * Sparky of the Mages from 903 aDW
sarek909 * Sarek the Mercinaen, follower of Aldaron
dankworth910 * Dankworth, follower of fate circa 910 aDW
sethanor930 * Sethanor, Sorcerer and Undead Vassal
calagan945 * Calagan - a Brigand's Hunting Tale
fedora950 * Fedora - tale of the Green Enchantress
arkane969 * Arkane, one of the architects of Springdale
meriadoc970 * Meriadoc, most devous Thief 970 aDW
ingens978 * Ingens, memoirs of an elderly Seer 978 aDW
sirina999 * The final words of Sirina, the Dark Eyed One
salvador1182 * First Chapters of the Salvador memoirs
#Section 33 Avalon Archive
journal DEEPLINE The Journal Archive: Contributions and Commentary
godline * Gods Who've Walked The Land since 800 aDW
eighthlife * Life in Avalon: snapshots from 800 to 899 aDW
siegekris * The First Siege of Kristanisti
ninthlife * Life in Avalon: snapshots from 900 to 950 aDW
messiah * The Birth and Death of the Messiah
tenthlife * Snippets from the first century of the new millennia
eleusis1154 * Battling for Greenwood Supremacy: Thakria v Mercinae
siegeparrius * The Siege of Parrius in the year 904 aDW
appointlife * The Appointment of Brigantia, goddess of nature
appvengeance * The Appointment of Xanthe, goddess of vengeance
appointsea * The Appointment of Proteus, god of the sea
paglost1236 * The Battle of the Lakeside Promenade
invasion1237 * Parrius Conquers Mercinae - the Viceregency of 1237
eleuthral1254 * Springdalian invasion of Parrius, winter 1254
amber2011 * Divine Amber Gemquest by Aethon in 2011
diamond1314 * The Controversial Diamond Gem Quest of Summer 2012
battle1348 BATTLEQUEST The Sapphire Gem Quest of 1348 on Battleisle
appointmoon * Appointment of Ashvani, goddess of the moon
sapphire1377 * First Gem Quest Ordination XII (Sapphire Battlesands)
echo1380 * Avalon Echo Issue 2 - June 13th 2015
echo1381 * Avalon Echo Issue 3 - July 3rd 2015
echo1382 * Avalon Echo Issue 4 - July 10th 2015
echo1386 * Avalon Echo Issue 5 - August 31st 2015
silence1989 * Once Was Silence and Then Came October 11th 1989
allhallows * The shapeforms of All Hallows 2015
octoberwar * Summary of warfare events - end of October 2015
huorns * The enraged tree legions of sylvan kinship
druidmerge * The Reunification of the Druid Profession- November 2015
lightreturn * Apotheosis by Right - Appointment of Hyperion, god of light
#Section 34 Cellar Door
email * E-mail accounts for Avalon characters
newspaper1 * Issue 1 of Avalon Times (November 1997)
newspaper2 * Issue 2 of Avalon Times (September 1998)
samaritan * The Good Samaritan - customer and novice support
sebastian * Sebastian, keeper of the scrolls and the Void
amethyst * The final divine gem: the Amethyst of Ordination
emerald * Penultimate divine gem: the Emerald of Life
sapphire * Current info on the divine sapphire gem
diamond * Current info on the divine diamond gem
topaz * Current info on the divine topaz gem
coral * Current info on the divine coral gem
ruby * Ruby of War: the gem of the eternal battlefield
amber * Current info on the divine amber gem
onyx * Current info on the divine onyx gem
malachite * Current info on the divine malachite gem
cornelian * Current info on the divine cornelian gem
ebony * Current info on the divine ebony gem
pearl * Current info on the divine pearl gem
opal * Current info on the divine opal gem
moonstone * Current info on the divine moonstone gem
ghostsecond * Second Characters - Ghosts from the Get Go
childhood * Childhood Lived and Adulthood Defined
bygone * Bric-a-brac of HELP texts of some historical charm