THREE: The Festival of "HOLY GROUND" first half of making a location holy
This is one of the most significant of festivals. It is a way for mortalkind to exert a very real and important influence on the affairs of the Gods. It can only be carried out in locations not already marked with holy significance. Its successful completion lay the basis for a non-holy location being turned into a holy one; a two-stage process: first the festival is completed, then the God/Goddess presides over an obeisance to actually make the formal marking (see HELP OBEISANCE).
The "holyground" festival must be presided over by a member of the priesthood and the congregation needs to be at least five strong. Offerings required: twenty essences; dead body or smashed icon or gems fallen from a divine statue broken by iconoclasm, or alternatively one hundred fine fabrics (silk or cotton or wool); one tenth of congregation member's experience surrendered; one thousand gold coins offered up; icons of patron deity. Then within one Avalon month the God must preside over an obeisance and issue the command to apply his/her divine and holy mark. This renders the location permanently "holy ground" for offerings - and potentially further consecration as described in Festival #4 below.
FOUR: The Festival of "CONSECREATION" to enhance the holiness of a location
The "consecration" festival follows the "holyground" festival and its six ritual stages are performed in locations marked by the patron deity. Successful consecration allows the God or Goddess to increase the holy marks in the location (see HELP HOLY and HELP TEMPLES). Locations thrice marked gain 'temple' status and locations consecrated to five marks or more become 'sanctuary' holy places for the Order and realm of the deity concerned.
Offerings required from congregation members: twenty essences per marking level (so between twenty and eighty required); dead body of named CCC, or a hundred fine fabrics, or a dead human body; between ten and forty percent of congregation's experience surrendered; icon of patron deity or gemstones fallen from the iconoclasm of non-patron deity statue; sacrifice of some of congregation's Farming and Labours skill.
Festivals five, six and seven relate to faer and mortal congregation influence on inter-deity realm conflict. The details are for high priesthood only.
Members of the priesthood should acquaint themselves with PRIEST HELP FESTIVALS to learn the individual commands needed to preside over festivals. Those unaware of the role and importance of the priesthood of a divine Order should read HELP PRIESTHOOD. The divine facet of Avalon is detailed section 23 of the help system - type HELP 23 to see the index.