What is Nature if not the entirety of the cycle of Life?
From the birth of spring, through the growth of summer, to the harvest of autumn, to the death of winter and on again. Nothing escapes this eternal cycle or is unaffected by it. And watching over the world and the endless cycles therein I stand - Nature herself. I am whimsical like a Maiden, wise like a Crone but most of all I am loving like the benevolent Earth-Mother I have become to all of the many creations of my beloved Father Aldaron, god of Life.
However in the wilds of this world, where I Nature roam unfettered and unbound, completely unrestrained by such concepts as what would make mortals or even other Gods happy - I have long made choices where the end results were not always to the benefit of both sides. When I watch my beloved wild cats hunt in the forests or on the plains, the end of their hunger and the prolonging of their lives means the death of another. I accept this in them, and ask only that they not be cruel or sadistic, or take more then they need.
Mortals should get used to this side of me as well as the more familiar Benevolent Mother figure they have come to adore. At the very heart of my realm is the ability and the power to decide who benefits in these contests between living creatures. Does the antelope escape, or does the lion feed? Some days I choose the antelope, and some the lion. I balance the needs of both to ensure a result that will ultimately benefit Life and Nature the most in the long run. For my world is measured in countless centuries and not just the short span you mortals call your lives.
If you seek to serve me mortal, remember this. Those of gentle souls with generous hearts will find much happiness in my service. Those who aspire to great personal power and wealth at the expense of the world I love so dearly and the creatures that live in it, would be wise to look elsewhere. Such people will never find favour with me.