The bondsman or bondswoman is a member of a guild who, on the formal request of his/her Guildmaster, has assented to take on the duties and responsibilities of the bondsman's oath. This oath binds the member to that guild/profession forever. It cannot be evaded by simply leaving the guild. It gives the Guildmaster the power to eject the member or - if the member somehow evades the guild - to eject the individual from the profession.
The oath can only be nullified by a full departure from the profession (via CHANGE PROFESSION - thereby surrendering all the guild skills and specialisations and advanced abilities). It is a method used periodically by responsibile Guildmasters when allowing loose-cannons into their guild; to gain secrets of their profession - but retain the ability to strip the person should he or she goes rogue.
Type BONDSMEN to see a list of bondsmen within your guild and your profession.
The Guildmaster can type BONDSMAN followed by the member, while face to face and in the presence of another high-rank guild-member (as witness). All must remain together in-location while the BONDSMAN command is issued and the member decides and ASSENTs (or REFUSEs). An entry is made in the guild-member's character history. The member has twenty seconds to type ASSENT or REFUSE before silence will be presumed a rejection. ASSENT formally swears the bondsman's oath and assumes all responsibilities thereof, REFUSE rejects it and waves aside the offer and the witnesses.