
Elmaethor, god of the starsto Everyone

Some of you will have noticed in the last couple of days an issue with commodities being stored in

the wrong sheds, warfare equipment seeming to have gone missing etc. This has now been resolved with

some important points to note:

ALL outer commodity sheds and outer barracks have been given a divine 'security sweep' -

specifically, this includes a boosting of all doors and locks to a high level of strength, all doors

automatically padlock-runed, and the full array of protections within the location itself (pyramid,

sphere and tomb runes, charm, talisman as well as sand and salt. This is NOT intended to entirely

replace the efforts of cities and guilds taking their own protective measures and indeed I advise

everyone with an interest in these matters to do so as a matter of importance.

CITY FETCH / RETURN is now possible on almost all the warfare related equipment, allowing easy

access and storage of these important materials. In addition, each city has been given a free

'Arsenal' and 'Depot' - these are the warfare related commodity sheds and each has a number of rooms

designed with holding a specific piece of military field equipment. Speak to me if you cannot find


Along with the above, all missing warfare equipment has now been restored according to our records

and should no longer end up in the wrong commodity sheds for whatever reason.

CITY FETCH / RETURN will now bring or return up to twenty batches of the specified commodity/field

equipment each time the lackeys work.

As always, I encourage everyone to look into the additions and feed back / report any issues


Elmaethor, god of the stars

Written and shown unedited exactly as rendered by text based game bulletin board on Avalon Online RPG and by my hand on the 30th of Leaflost, in the year 1385.