Here I present the most accomplished participants in the year's questing and discovery contest.
1. Dashing Diocletian Artisan of the East.
2. Just Weasal.
3. Uncle Taliesin.
4. Brighteyes Cricket, Seer of the Southern Sea.
5. Rudestone - Rude Boy of the Greenwood.
6. Lady Alleria, the Peaceful Paladin.
7. Druidess Mystra, the white-robed animist.
8. Fit Finley of Springdale.
9. Aerian, of Past and Present.
10. Adelwyn, the Wandering Healer.
11. Lady Kirwond, Daydream Believer.
12. Simply Egwene.
13. Warfarin, Orielle's husband.
14. Druid Stark.
15. Angleberious of the Greenwood.
16. Artisan Quindor of Parrius.
17. Archmage Hero, the Umbrogen.
18. Druid Seithern of Springdale.
19. Saevandar, Dreamcatcher.
20. Druidess Wolfsong.
Rhadamanthys, the god of compassion offers heartfelt congratulations to all those represented here and those not, and wishes you good fortune in the coming year.