Pacifist Quest Ranking (Year 983)

The Divine Heraldto Everyone

Here I present the most accomplished participants in the year's questing and discovery contest.

    1. Gentle Adelwyn, Apprentice Healer.
     2. Rocketeer Rikki the jolly good fellow.
     3. Griffyn, of the Silver Tree.
     4. Druidess Mystra, the white-robed animist.
     5. Alleria.
     6. Terribly Sensible Orielle, Warfarin's Lady.
     7. Druidess Wolfsong.
     8. Loremaster Eggmaster.
     9. Alchemist Mestopholies Compassionate Mercinaen Soul.
    10. Katherine, Tisserande de Charme.
    11. Mister Darcy Mercinaen Alchemist.
    12. Lady Kirwond, Running On Empty.
    13. Inquisitive Marin the Peaceful Druid.
    14. Mage Meneleus, Keeper of the Light.
    15. Red Viking Liten the Honeystained Butterfly.
    16. Artisan Eadrea of Parrius.
    17. Simon Templar.
    18. Warfarin, Orielle's husband.
    19. Sweet as Honey Alexandra.
    20. Peaceful Sirona, Starry-eyed Dryad.

Rhadamanthys, the god of compassion offers heartfelt congratulations to all those represented here and those not, and wishes you good fortune in the coming year.