Here I present the most accomplished participants in the year's questing and discovery contest.
1. Griffyn, of the Silver Tree.
2. Gentle Adelwyn, Apprentice Healer.
3. Sunshine Nennieth, Harbinger of Harmony.
4. Druidess Mystra, the white-robed animist.
5. The terribly sensible Orielle, Warfarin's Lady.
6. Peaceful Rikki the Patient One.
7. Librarian Marina, Smiling Revolutionary.
8. Wulfgar.
9. Warfarin, Orielle's husband.
10. Taliesin.
11. Artisan Melchior The Helpful artisan.
12. Alchemist Mestopholies Compassionate Mercinaen Soul.
13. Loremaster Skruff.
14. Terisa Morgan.
15. Green Quintan, Fox of the Greenwood.
16. Inquisitive Marin the Peaceful Druid.
17. Loremaster Eggmaster.
18. Loremaster Zippy, the Apathetic.
19. Mage Meneleus, Keeper of the Light.
20. Forestwalker Faun.
Rhadamanthys, the god of compassion offers heartfelt congratulations to all those represented here and those not, and wishes you good fortune in the coming year.