Here I present the most accomplished participants in the year's questing and discovery contest.
1. Druid Mestopholies of the Peaceful Path.
2. Nestling Nennieth, Harbinger of Harmony.
3. Joshua, Puppeteer of Springdale.
4. Lagos.
5. Lady Kirwond of the Dreaming Harp.
6. Spangly Robed Shenarra.
7. Melain Frostedheart of darkwood.
8. Alchemist Dowkem of Parrius.
9. Illuminatus Flagg the Watcher.
10. Kesrick, Waywatcher Of The Greenwood.
11. Brother Rufus, The Wandering Cartographer.
12. Artisan Kethos, still Grounded.
13. Artisan Dagar.
14. Llelwyn, Druid of Alessandria.
15. Dragonslair, Weaver of Ethereal Light.
16. Orielle, Warfarin's Lady.
17. old Tom Bombadil the Sapling.
18. Sweet Titian Alexandra.
19. Tonka of Thakria.
20. Lady Nivea the Snowy Forest Blossom.
Rhadamanthys, the god of compassion offers heartfelt congratulations to all those represented here and those not, and wishes you good fortune in the coming year.