Pacifist Quest Ranking (Year 975)

The Divine Heraldto Everyone

Here I present the most accomplished participants in the year's questing and discovery contest.

    1. Evil Joshua, Cranky Prophet.
     2. Crafty Volpone the rose king.
     3. Thaumaturge Grundy Votary of Compassion.
     4. Druid Mestopholies of the Peaceful Path.
     5. Lady Kirwond of the Dreaming Harp.
     6. Hyperion Helios, Sun's Prophet.
     7. Orinoko, the Renegade Womble.
     8. Menk, Poet Laureate to the Gods.
     9. Grave Digger Groog, Undertaker of the Ruby.
    10. Rufus, the Indefatigable.
    11. Squire Tanglong The Five Tails Dragon.
    12. Orielle, Warfarin's Lady.
    13. Ajathar, the Wanderer.
    14. Mister Darcy of Mercinae.
    15. Lovely Melain, Spring Rose of Thakria.
    16. Lady Katrina, Rose of the Greenwood.
    17. Dagonet, Golden Bard of Mercinae.
    18. Aryca.
    19. Ishmael of the Single Entendre.
    20. Old Kardak Silverwillow the Panda Bear.

Rhadamanthys, the god of compassion offers heartfelt congratulations to all those represented here and those not, and wishes you good fortune in the coming year.