Here I present the most accomplished participants in the year's questing and discovery contest.
1. Lady Nivea the Snowy Forest Blossom.
2. Artisan Kierax Seeker of Knowledge.
3. Lady Kirwond of the Dreaming Harp.
4. Volpone.
5. Groog.
6. Marina, the Smiling One.
7. Kardak.
8. Aithne of Mercinae.
9. Artisan Snowbird.
10. Peaceful Sirona, Starry-eyed Dryad.
11. Dagonet the Golden Bard.
12. Fulgloire, glory of Nothing.
13. Rithos.
14. Sandy of Thakria.
15. Plaman.
16. Eldarion, Terror of the Enchanted Pool.
17. Orielle, Warfarin's Lady.
18. Sister Pluie of the Grove.
19. \"Lucky\" Bucky Craftsman, Springdalian.
20. Raphaim.
Rhadamanthys, the god of compassion offers heartfelt congratulations to all those represented here and those not, and wishes you good fortune in the coming year.