There are certain things that effect us that, logically, should. I understand a brew, and a palantir explosion, and even the mage/bard bells, but, other things are a bit out of line.
For example, if we are to be effected by lightarc, we should be able to pent, if a seer can focus on us, we should be able to deflect, etc, etc. In short, we should be able to passively defend against any abuses that can be perpetrated against us. In no way can I see a defense that doesn't take health from the person attacking us as being an unfair advantage on our part.
Under no circumstances can I see bonding pws as being a good thing. Being able to use us as a projection focus also seems out of line, as if our pw status can be used to commit un-pacifist acts against our city mates. Well, I cry foul.
It seems as if our pacifist status and usefulness dwindles with each upgrade, each change. People should try to read help concept and help sadism at least once a month, just to refresh themselves on the guidelines for abuse, and the notion that screaming \"abuse of abilities! \" is a path to positive change. Without thinking of the outcomes, slowly but surely, pws are becoming sitting ducks.
I am pw because I have to be. The soul that animates my body in this world is injured to an extent where learning to fight is, quite simply, an impossibility. And, when I am killed, and hear my killer say, \"Wow! That was a lot of xp,\" it worries me as to my further existence here.
Craftmistress Jashiri Darling-Fairbairn
Written by my hand on the 7th of Springflower, in the year 1190.