A fellow pacifist asked for my views on their actions. In their words, Nasty person name here \"began bashing someone I was with. I parlayed some of her demons and she started bitching about me abusing my pw skills. I,
however, don't consider it an abuse as animists can dance peace, and pacifying things is, well, something a pacifist should stand for. \" I've decided to address this query on the Pacifist board.
Pacifists are restricted for one of two reasons. One, the laws of Avaloneon physics prevent one from performing a certain action. Two, you adopt a social consensus view of what is \"fair\" and therefore restrict yourself for
arbitrary reasons. The fundamental principle behind fairness is that every offensive action must allow for a reciprocal action. If no counter is possible, then it is considered abusive. Be careful of arguments that
would overextend that concept, as a pacifist is indeed allowed and expected to have an impact on the land.
There is a flip side that I think has value as well. Avalon thrives on emotion. Pushing the edge of the envelope through actions or silver tongue evokes strong reaction. Whether angry mobs crying \"Abuse\" or bringing
the land to it's knees in hilarious laughter, it makes our days memorable. Carpe Diem.
Written by my hand on the 6th of Midwinter, in the year 1181.