Here I present the most accomplished participants in the year's questing and discovery contest.
1. Druidess Tazlilly Luthien Amaranth.
2. Rhiannon.
3. Druid Cosmus Epicurean.
4. Angharad Domina Per Faber.
5. Silva, Cloud Surfer.
6. Wormer, Spark of Light.
7. Peaceful Krayia, Tree of Life.
8. Druid Globularr the Humble.
9. Fatalus, Midnight Merchant.
10. Flasher Kahn, Nekkid Underneath His Robes.
11. Safovine.
12. Farmer Boss.
Rhadamanthys, god of compassion offers heartfelt congratulations to all those represented here and those not, and wishes you good fortune in the coming year.