Here I present the most accomplished participants in the year's questing and discovery contest.
1. Druidess Tazlilly Luthien Amaranth.
2. Tabby Cat Mojo Has Rabies.
3. Arch-Ranger Seregon.
4. Druidess Tara, Magick Healer.
5. Zartuuz.
6. Hermetic Stefan Alchemist Vitae.
7. Aquilina, Bellezza Oscura.
8. Rhiannon.
9. Double 'O' Gahlahas, the Necromancer Reborn.
10. Nefarious Carolinus, All Leather and Lace.
11. Initiate Dinamoria Snodgrass, I heart Bowdyn.
12. Sepe.
13. Eisenherz Meerkat, die Schwartztraume.
14. Ranger Cub Khashakin Helmslay de Calyeoune.
15. Angharad Domina Per Faber.
16. Mysticals.
17. Don Tukar, Godfather of Avalon.
18. Born to Be Wyldefyre.
19. Monsieur Tru.
20. Archangel Fredegar Dragonheart.
Rhadamanthys, god of compassion offers heartfelt congratulations to all those represented here and those not, and wishes you good fortune in the coming year.