My reasons for spending a year in pacifism were simple. After the crash Avalon had some serious balance/equilibrium problems that made fighting tricky to say the least, also I need a holiday from the constant killing, jumping and teaming, and finally
I needed time to collect my thoughts and make plans.
I've never really liked the idea of pacifism, to me it was a cowards way out. A nice easy route for players who couldn't fight to play Avalon all snug and safe. Worst it split Avalon into two games, one comms gathering pacifists, the others bloody thi
rsty pkillers. I think such polarization of the Avalon community is bad.
Spending over half an Avalon year as a pacifism has soften my opposition to pacifism a little. But what has had a far greater effect on me, is meeting and knowing the sort of people who choose pacifism.
Generally they are very likeable, good natured, industrious, despite not being about to actually fight, they struggle mightly to promote their guilds and cities.
I have found pacifists on average, to be more charming, intelligent, honourable and friendly than non-pacifists. Many has been very good friends to me, and others showed that rare touch of greatness, without ever shedding blood. The majority of my bes
t friends are pacifists.
I leave pacifism soon. While I do not believe in their creed, I think myself lucky and honoured to have shared their company for a year.
Written by my hand on the 20th of Midwinter, in the year 968.