The post from Wyldefyre.

Nefarious Adam All Whips and Chainsto Everyone

I'd love to be able to advise but as I've never actually fought anyone (but have been brewed to death a few times) I cannot offer any help.

What I'm intrigued by though is how this could happen? I thought as a pacifist that you were not only unable to perform offensive attacks but were also safe from them? I know brewing is different as it's not aimed (or rather the syntax isn't aimed) at an individual but at a location but surely compelling or forcing you to do something would be classed an offensive attack. It's aimed at YOU after all!

I'm sorry to hear what happened Wyldefyre and am happy to offer any help I can, even if I can't offer advice.


Written by my hand on the 23rd of Hindyear, in the year 1151.