Ways for a pw to be harmed.

Peaceful Krayia, Tree of Lifeto Everyone

In my short experiece, there are a few other ways to catch nasties as a pw. One would be staves. Some folks have staves in their houses that effect everyone but them. I was helping Hiniya check a bell trap once and the stave in his garden got me with

black death, haemophilia, paralysis, and something else. Lucklily, I'm a healer and it wasn't too hard to cure myself. Coughing up blood means you have black death and siriena cures that. Zahir runes are a pain and won't let you use some commands when

you're being affected by one, but you can type struggle to get out of that. Also sometimes a disease might pop up outta the blue. A few days back I got creeping death and had no idea how I got it. Allheal is a quick remedy. Oh, and allafflict is a

nasty ability that gods can throw at you, so always be sure to be respectful to your dieties, whether you share their views or not. Other than that, it's been really great to be a pw in Avalon! Love you all.


Written by my hand on the 7th of Paglost, in the year 1143.