Hi all. I am one person who honestly admits, I know nothing of fighting. Long when I first came to this land, I made a vow to the Lady of Life, that I would never harm a living creature. And for a while, Pacifists could not be harmed in traditional ways (ie direct assault). I would like to start a discussion about how pacifists can get injured, contract illnes or be killed by all methonds, and ways to prevent those from happening.
First - being sealed in a mine. This comes with age and experience, but I have to admit, while mining, sometimes my mind is elsewhere. If someone is attempting to seal you in a mine, you should be able to discern their movement. The moment you see them moving, there should be a warning about the stability of the mine. I have ult perception so I see all movement. Does anyone else have problems with not being able to see any advanced premonition of the attack?
Jegga - Jegga Brew was a favourite attack of Ender and is sometimes used by other fighters such as Plaman. Keep Denallo and Olvar on you at all times. If you are hit with jegga or a jegga brew, you have approximately 5-6 seconds. Eat the denallo, apply olvar and resist often works to prevent this.
Paranoia - carvings do affect Pacifists. Paranoia drains mana and slowly drains health as well. Keep an All Heal potion on you and sip allheal. This has to be done everytime you pass one of these annoying carvings.
I heard there are other attacks now with the new abilities. Keeping all pacifists informed would be helpful. Anyone else have anything to share?
Written by my hand on the 2nd of Paglost, in the year 1143.