Here I present the most accomplished participants in the year's questing and discovery contest.
1. Zazenhen, Dwarven LoreMaiden.
2. Isaac, of the Shifty Eyes.
3. Sahid-Fedaykin Fatalus, Vindico Ferrum.
4. Craftie May Silvermoon.
5. Lothar, the Infidel.
6. Mama Bear Wyldefyre Protective of her Cubs.
7. Glowing Eilan Umbrogen, Taker of Knowledge.
8. Druidess Krayia, Morning Glory of Peace.
9. Craftmistress Flameblade, Fire of Life.
10. Crooning Grampa Cernunos, That Same Ol' Song and Dance.
11. Mystra the white-robed Animist.
12. Gabbadian Esprii Belial, Queen of Ghosts.
13. Maud Wolfstone, Rowan of Saoghal.
14. Rhiannon.
15. Wolfsong the Springdalian Cotton Bud.
16. Phantomhope, Ditzy Bardess.
17. Auntie Mithria.
18. Druid Carolinus Starlight, Apprentice Tutor.
19. The Devil, Sweet Aine, the Deep Blue Sea.
20. Mage Valek Ra, the Illusionist.
Rhadamanthys, god of compassion offers heartfelt congratulations to all those represented here and those not, and wishes you good fortune in the coming year.