
Wyldefyreto Everyone

My Brothers and Sisters of Avlaon. For those of you who cannot read the Elders BB, Fighters, non Pacifists and Huggy-Haters have been soliciting that we as Pacifists are too protected and have too much free reign over our skillsets. they complain that we do great damage to the land by overpicking and mining without consequence. People like Magdalene and Ender post that we should have our skills taken away from us which we currently posess and worked very hard to aquire.

In cities, we work hard to boost their economy, to make sure no one is without supplies. But instead of saying \"Thank you\" we are referred to as \"Worker Bee\" \"Comm Whore\" and as not being a benefit to our city.

I put to you that without pacifism in the land, cities would not be able to support their economy. If we are indeed damaging this land to an extent by our actions, why do we not go on strike and refuse to assist anyone until they can learn to respect us more?

Let's hear your thoughts.

Written by my hand on the 25th of Paglost, in the year 1124.