I'm gonna attempt to reopen what is perhaps an age old, but to my knowledge, unanswered question.What is a pacifist allowed to do here? Obviously, when pacifist the physical laws of the universe prevent me from taking certain actions.
I find it interesting that I can make a sword, but if displeased with it's qualities, I cannot unsmelt it. I am able to summon people, but am told by city enemies that I should not, though some of my fellow cits say this is propoganda.
The list is long. I propose simply that perhaps a pacifist can do whatever one is allowed to by the laws of nature. If it flys in the face of social convention, then one is subject to the wrath of the populace.
This question seems pertinent to me as I find that minding one's own business and adhereing to conventional rules is not sufficient. Whether I'm mining ores, blowing glass, or simply being here, one can argue that I'm helping their enemy.
Course, for those that make that accusation, I probably am *chuckle* Ironically though, I am left to conclude that perhaps following the social conventions here is not the proper course. Though I cannot fight, nor do I wish to,
perhaps it is in my own self-interest to lend a hand more often *summon* *portal* and / or be more of a nuisance to my perceived \"enemies\". The field that I cannot contend with is of course, that of the divine. Providing they care,
which most profess they bother with us mortals, would they enforce their own set of rules (or are they whims). If there are rules that the gods require of us... what are they? In asking 3 gods these questions, i was told :
1) it is ok to use your skills for compassionate reasons, to save a fellow from being killed, 2) I have no problem with you helping the downtrodden (my city was undergoing an invasion at the time, and 3) I dunno, go ask someone
who deals with PW's , I don't.
I welcome all comments, both mortal and divinely inspired
Written by my hand on the 29th of Leaflost, in the year 1090.