mines and their dangers.

Just a little tip but sadly probably only any use for those of the loremaster profession with ultimate alchemy. If you are in Avalon rather than Azrili, you can portal to anyone on the cnn list (aside of the usual pyramid rune problem) no matter where

in the land they are.

This is a nice tip for if you need to get somewhere quickly and either an icewall or something else is blocking your route. Check nnw or cnw (it should read cnw in the previous paragraph) and portal out to them. It will mean leaving stuff behind in th

e mine but I guess it depends on whether you want to die or not.

Of course, if there's no-one on the cnw or nnw lists, try the LW list next. If that don't work then I guess you'll get squished.

Yours etc Mirri

Written by my hand on the 29th of Midsummer, in the year 1086.