
Two things.

First, although it is usual that we look for otherworldly examples to help

explain our reasoning, they do not apply here in Avalon. I have never heard

of a \"boxer\" or \"boxing\"... I assume by the context and the use of the words

\"punch\" and \"jab\" that it's a bit like fisticuffs or swordplay.

Second, those Avalonians who enjoy, relish and excel at fighting have

mastered the system and it's idiosyncrasies, very rarely use otherworldly

assistance, and invariably try to enforce their will onto others.

I spent many years under the mantle of pacifism, and was a great commodity

resource for Mercinae, the Alchemists, and myself during that time... I then

spent quite some time learning to defend myself against those who wished to

kill me for pleasure, sport, necessity, or spite... And my pacifist role


I was a purely defensive fighter, but because I could be beaten, I was... It

forced me to learn to fight, something I didn't really want to do, therefore

they were enforcing their will on mine, changing the way I live my life...

For as long as I can remember \"Might Means Right\" has applied to Avalon,

and everything has been focused on building the mightiest city, the mightiest

guild, the mightiest individual... But it's not just the fighters that follow

this path... There is political might as well...

The greatest individual is one who wields fighting prowess and political

acumen at a time when both are important, but that can change over the years...

Maybe combat is more important at one time, or maybe politics... Even being

able to understand the warfare system and to lead an army to victory at the

right time can increase ones might.

We can call for peace in Avalon till we're blue in the face... It will not


While there is Good and Evil, there will be Conflict.

Personally, I'd prefer peace under the reign of Good, over peace under a reign

of Evil...

To conclude... We try and live our Avalon life the way we want to, as is our

right, but Avalon is a dynamic world that ebbs and flows with the actions of

it's people. Choosing Pacifism protects you from the conflict for a while, and

is generally accepted when changing guilds, even if you intend to fight...

there has to be fighters for Good...

Yes, there would be peace if every person chooses Pacifism, but that will never

happen... So the Pacifists (there are various meanings behind that word) have

to exist in a world of war and death, and accept that.

Regards... Chronos

Written by my hand on the 7th of Mournsend, in the year 1083.