
Mage Heroto Tavor Yates

Methinks you've spent too much time in the moon inn quaffing cornelius' folly young Tavor. In my 200 years as a mage, I have not yet encountered Bob Dylan (though he sounds like a Bard of much reknown), nor have I seen a village called Daneland, and n

ever even heard of those people you call the Greeks.


You spout such terms as DD, and roleplay, and even a 'game' called Call of Cthulu, though that sounds like cavorting with demons to me, and I don't know any in this land who would cavort with such spawn, with the exception of the black hearted sorcero


However, to address your own rules;

1) As I hope my comments above show, you have waded into this land without any consideration for OUR sphere of communication, but instead blathered on about things we know nothing of. 'Real Life' indeed. Psah, the struggle for survival in this harsh l

and is more than real enough for me.

2) You have clearly demonstrated you haven't understood a word that others have said to you. I occasionally play a role with my magics, usually just for a little joke, when I pretend to be someone else. Surely, the best role is one in when no-one know

s you are doing so? Even the ACT of claiming to be a good roleplayer is in and of itself, an oxymoron.

3) You pass judgements on us, you assume we want to hear your naive assessments of good and evil and quotes from Jante Law. Trust me, Evil is alive and well and very well organised in the Dark Land to the North. Evil is not a theretical thing, it is t

he barbaric acts that are perpetrated daily in the name of power and their Gods. The fact that you seen pacifism as merely a convenient way to get access to another bulletin board shows you have no understanding of what pacifism is, and means. You hav

e passed facile judgement on US.

Finally, there are no 'rights'. The Gods are well, Gods. We exist because they tolerate our precence in their land. It took me many decades to understand and accept that. They have been here for centuries, they have fought and won towering victories i

n their mortal incarnations, and have well and truly earned our respect if nothing else. To expect that you can come here and demand they do what YOU command strikes meas the folly of the young. Hopefully you will learn the error of your ways before y

ou get either dumbed entirely, or even turned into stone.

Written by my hand on the 20th of Springflower, in the year 1076.