Well as any of you that know me probably know I've not been a pacifist for long, and as such I still have a lot of people that want to try and kill me for various reasons. I was just wondering if people know ways to stop a couple of things happening.
First of all is far bonding, Cordon decided to take advantage of my pacifist state to build up a 25 wax bond, I'm not really bothered since he can't do anything much to me with it, just wondering if anyone knows a way to stop seers bonding you?
My second one is steeds being killed, I don't really want to have to buy a new eagle any time someone decides they don't like my exisitng one, and short of running away at every instance, is there any way to stop people killing them?
Thanks for any help people can give me with these.
Written by my hand on the 28th of Paglost, in the year 1042.