Pacifist Quest Ranking (Year 1040)

The Divine Heraldto Everyone

Here I present the most accomplished participants in the year's questing and discovery contest.

    1. Sapling Boss, Forger of Peace.
     2. Rhapsody in Blue.
     3. Perennial Iris, Freshly Planted.
     4. Druidess Eluria, Desert Flower.
     5. Druid Artech, Sunsedge.
     6. Madame Kirynia, The Flighty.
     7. Marvinia of Springdale.
     8. Artisan Bof of Springdale.
     9. Tungar, Jester of Mercinae.
    10. Mamma Bear Kiku.
    11. Boris Bodkin.
    12. Trinity.
    13. Lady Lamothe.
    14. Ranger Wyldefyre Clan of the Cave Bear.
    15. Alchemist Sheigh, Devotee of the Sea.
    16. Pappa Bear Laslow, Kiku's Honey Bear.
    17. Infernal Squire Niobe of SpringDale.
    18. Gianarth, of Parrius.
    19. Druid Elbethamore, Animist of the Sea.
    20. Mage Nabob, Walks in Flames.

Rhadamanthys, the god of compassion offers heartfelt congratulations to all those represented here and those not, and wishes you good fortune in the coming year.