Here I present the most accomplished participants in the year's questing and discovery contest.
1. Artisan Scribe of Parrius.
2. Bosno In-The-Green.
3. Artisan Bof.
4. Fluffy Kiku, Laslow's Wife.
5. Ranger Stranger, the Inquisitive Ranger.
6. Strongbow of Springdale.
7. Porthos.
8. Rhapsody.
9. Druidess Jade, Guild Historian.
10. Alleria.
11. Maltoran, L'ombre avec un Coeur d'or.
12. Valiant Verlaine, Le Reve d'un Curieux.
13. Magess Alyssa, Ritual Illusionist.
14. Shimmering Wyldefyre Waran the Kurna Down.
15. Artisan Catt.
16. Alchemist Mestopholies, Sage of Compassion.
17. Mystra the Dryad.
18. Mage Ramoth.
19. Unholy, Terra Vomica.
20. Sapling Tryad, Peaceful Friend.
Rhadamanthys, the god of compassion offers heartfelt congratulations to all those represented here and those not, and wishes you good fortune in the coming year.