questing, a very brief overview.

Warfarin, Orielle's husbandto Everyone

This is more of a quick overview of the process as it relates to pacifists, rather than an in-depth process.

Each quest in Avalon has a 'difficulty' rating which we can repeatedly earn. The harder, longer, less used quests are biased to more points in relation to the 'quick wins' like the blackboard in Springdale.

Repeatedly doing the harder quests, along with balancing the lesser quests, earns pacifists a score (which we don't see) and a ranking.

The ranking can be seen using 'questleague', the important part of which is to get into the top 20 or so.

As a target, first place is obviously the one to aim for, but this shouldnt be taken as the ONLY place to aim for.

There may, or may not be, any reward other than 'I got first this year' for the questleague, but we are here for fun, arent we?


Written by my hand on the 30th of Midwinter, in the year 1021.