Here I present the most accomplished participants in the year's questing and discovery contest.
1. Orielle, Warfarin's Lady.
2. Loremistress Guinni.
3. Greenleaf, Child of the Forests.
4. Mystra the white-robed Animist.
5. Druid Calvador, Animist of Life.
6. Druid Mestopholies Sage Of Compassion.
7. Magician Secer Master of Magic.
8. Loremaster Dargen.
9. Reputable Raulin of Springdale.
10. Druidess Wolfsong, of the Whispering Wood.
11. Warfarin, Orielle's husband.
12. Sapling Siegfried of Mercinae.
13. Rithos.
14. Lady Alecto D'Malachia.
15. Mage Hero, the Last Umbrogen.
16. Loremaster Katana y Ddraig Goch.
17. Malayn of the West Winds.
18. Korinal the Fey.
19. Lady Nivea, Gatherer of Acorns.
20. Ranger Ender Wiggin.
Rhadamanthys, the god of compassion offers heartfelt congratulations to all those represented here and those not, and wishes you good fortune in the coming year.