We are pleased to announce that Avalon is now directly connected to no less than twelve major Internet backbones, with plans well advanced to install further new lines to both AOL and PSInet.
Connectivity is getting better and better, and we hope that you are already seing the benefits in speed and access. However, we know as well as anybody the unpredictability of the Internet, and for this reason we have decided to reopen the New York hub as an alternative route to Avalon.
Essentially, you can just connect to this hub as if it were Avalon itself, and then the hub will force a different route over the Internet. Note that this is not necessarily a better route, just a different one: if you encounter problems or lag when connecting direct, then try the hub (and vice versa).
In addition, the hub is now running new software which, in addition to preventing those few who were abusing the hub to the detriment of all, also uses a new custom algorithm to help further reduce lag.
To use the hub, simply connect to the address \"newyork.avalon-rpg.com\" instead of \"avalon-rpg.com\". The port number, if required, remains 23.
We welcome your comments on our hubs, our connectivity, or any other issue to support@mail.avalon-rpg.com.
Written by my hand on the 9th of Hindyear, in the year 998.