The Reaver.

Castigere, the god of justiceto Everyone

I have today intercepted a message addressed to Pangyron the Astrologer, the contents of which I consider to be of great importance to all Avalonians, regardless of alignment or creed.

One of Pangyron's servants reports that he has found trace of the lost armour of Felgor, also known as The Reaver. I believe Pangyron intends to reassemble the armour for his own purposes, but the fool does not know of the power with which he meddles. For any who do not know the terrible legend of Felgor, you may consult the tome I have placed in the east wing of the library in Ilmarael.

I ask all the people of Avalon to join me in the hunt for the armour, so that we may find it before Pangyron does, and destroy it once and for all. We will begin this endeavour this coming Saturday night, at 12am GMT (midnight) by the Avalon clock. I have reserved the divine Cornelian of Darkness as a reward for the mortal who succeeds in this quest, or comes closest. You will require little but your wits and your perception, though combat will become a factor as the event progresses.

I have asked the Lorewarden Grundy to co-ordinate the search for the fragments of armour, and I hope as many of you as possible will be present to aid in the search. Those of you who would normally support Pangyron must surely see the folly of his plot. If he should succeed is assembling the armour, it could spell the start of a dark era of suffering for all.

Castigere, the god of justice.

Written by my hand on the 17th of Cloudburst, in the year 987.