Major City Updates.

Magellan, god of civilisationto Everyone

The State and Trade Ministries, as well as the Chancellery have undergone

a major update in terms of their commands. They also all have their own

buildings where commands need to be issued from. All ministers and

aides should find where these buildings are, and read CITY HELP TRADE, CITY,

TREASURY or CHANCELLER to see the changes in commands that have occoured.

The few CITY commands that have seemingly vanished will appear for

the ministry of foreign affairs in a few days time. Anyone with

questions, or problems that they have incurred should speak to me

as soon as possible.

Also the ARMY command is now fixed to display the information correctly,

and diamonds can once again be sold to merchants.

Written by my hand on the 28th of Cloudburst, in the year 973.