First I want to applaud Elmak at his success of the past weeks genquest for the divine sapphire. It was a nail biter down to the final moments! HELP WINNERS to read the summary.
Next, I will be hosting a divine gem quest this coming Saturday, January 25th at 3pm by the Avalon Clock. This will be a Battleisle Fighting format similar to the past weeks fighting for the divine onyx. The wielder of this gem will be receiving a evolved \"Animal\" form.
The Moon is high and looking for adventure, do not be surprised to see the skies filled with meteor showers leading up to the divine gem quest. It is rumoured they will hold items useful in the divine event.
If you have any questions please direct them to me, Ashvani, goddess of the moon.
Written and shown unedited exactly as rendered by text based game bulletin board on Avalon Online RPG and by my hand on the 21st of Ilmarael, in the year 1348.