Avalon has set up two mini-gameservers, like evolved hubs, whose purpose
is to give everybody not on the East Coast or in the east of the MidWest
of the USA a potentially superior (i.e. faster, more reliable, less
laggy, more responsive) route to connect to the game:
Use either EU.avalon-rpg.com (Europe) and CA.avalon-rpg.com (California) in addition to GAME.avalon-rpg.com (Washington DC) as the default.
When you connect to one of the Avalon gameserver hubs, from the point you
reach it you'll be channeled through our extended \"internal\" network: not
subject to the overloaded peakhours or downtime/netsplits of the ten
to twenty routers between your \"origin\" and Avalon's \"gameserver\". Instead
you'll hit Avalon's European or California hub (if you choose to use it)
and from there, route straight to the game without anything else
interfering or challenging your priority. Unless there's issues with
Avalon's ISP (networklayer.com) - rare - you should see a speed improvement
of between 20% and 60% depending where you are, etc.
Hubs are:
EUROHUB at EU.avalon-rpg.com (IP: WHERE: Amsterdam)
CALIHUB at CA.avalon-rpg.com (IP: WHERE: San Jose, CA)
Ports are: 23 (standard telnet) and 33, 80, 443, 8080, 8888
NOTE: we can add others on request to help folks get through any annoying firewalls!